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One thing I really like about this show is how none of the characters are really 'perfect' (though Marco is definitely the closest to being the least problematic, lol). The three 'rappers' are kinda interesting because they are a mixed bag. Vittorio, the one already out of school, didn't have anything to do with the Marco stuff, but can be a bit of a jerk to even Daniele and Ilo. Daniele, we see the more nicer side of him with his messages to Andrea and a bit with Carola, but he also wasn't nice to Marco with the swim stuff either. Then Ilo I think is just going with the flow and doesn't really care if he's being nice or not. Also, while I do think they just needed Marco for the camera stuff, they are still being pretty nice to him now and inviting him places not dealing with needing his help. I feel like it's a complicated situation, so I kinda understand why Marco is kinda giving them a second chance. I do think Daniele and Ilo feel at least a little bad about the swim meet thing because thinking back to episode 1, they are really careful around Marco and try to be friendly with him when he returns to swimming after his injury. Carola kinda frustrates me. I don't think her intentions are necessarily bad, but I think she finds it fun and exciting to kinda explore this thing with Marco, but also keeping an eye out for Daniele. So I don't think she's purposefully being mean or anything, but it makes me scared for Marco. I really like Marco and Nina's relationship. It's kinda funny when you think about how it came about. But I feel like maybe that's what Andrea needs, a new friend to talk to, rather than all the people he grew up around. Sorry for the long comment!! Loved your reaction! Thank you!

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

No apologies, I love talking shows! That's true about them all caring now becuase at first I don't think they realized how far the pranking would actually push him, even though it was stupid for them to do and very cruel. It seems like they've learned their lessons a bit. And you perfectly put how I also feel about Carola. She doesn't seem evil at all, but she doesn't feel safe either and it makes me worried.