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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Thursday September 21st!!


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Thank you Heidi for picking Good Omens for Jessie.. Thank you Jessie for your lovely reactions. Someone on tumblr said: "See the thing is. When they announced Good Omens season 2 I was like. We absolutely do not need a second season of Good Omens. But now we have a second season of Good Omens and I’m like. If we don’t get a third season I am going to start chewing drywall. " And that's me. I LIVE for everything Crowley & Aziraphale. The finale broke my heart into a lot of tiny bits. I think I loved S2 more than S1 because the focus was so much more on angels/demons. And because both David and Michael were a lot more obvious in playing it like a love story. Like S1 they also played it like love story but a bit more coy. Here just heart eyes galore. Jim!Gabriel was adorable. It took me few episodes to recognize that new Beelzebub was Lady Mary from Bridgerton S2! She looked a lot different in this role. I was not aware of this ship, but it was sailing for a while xd So good on them. Enjoy the Alpha Centauri you 2 crazy kids. Maggie & Nina plot was surprisingly realistic and very sweet. Loved all callbacks to Discworld & Doctor Who but the most I loved inclusion of Seamstresses (hem hem). Pratchett in Man at Arms: "A survey by the Ankh-Morpork Guild of Merchants.....found 987 women who gave their profession as 'seamstress' Oh...and two needles." I really hope we get S3. If not Neil promised us all on tumblr he will write the book as conclusion xd So at least there's that. Cheers and onward to next adventures :)

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Omg I tottaly did not realize that wasLady MAry but I def see it now!! I'm glad to hear there will atleast be a conclusion if not a season 3, but I feel like it has a good enough following!

Krista Mottisenkangas

Hi. The video is unavailable for some reason. At least to me...

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Hey, Krista! Sorry for the delayed response. I answered but PAtreon seems to have glitched and not posted it. Is the link working now? I was int he process of changing links from google to vimeo, so it should work now!