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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Friday November 17th!!


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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Reasonable Doubt- Thank you so much for another great reaction for Person of Interest, Jessie!! I am so happy that you loved this episode too!! Me too! :) I really enjoy this episode a lot! I love it for the overall storyline and the case itself because I find it quite interesting. And I absolutely love Reese, Finch, Fusco, Shaw, and Carter throughout this episode, like I always love them. As for the husband and wife characters who turn out to be the perpetrators... What a fantastic twist that I didn't see coming at all! And I love that they both turn out to be the bad guys for various reasons. As for the ending... The moment as Reese states... "I'm in the habit of stopping bad things from happening. Only I'm not so sure this is a bad thing." is absolutely phenomenal! I love it!!! And I absolutely love how he lays down a gun on the table for the husband too, then simply walks away. Leaving them both alone to kill one another, which we are led to believe they do upon hearing the two gunshots go off as Reese is continuing to walk away. Brilliant! This is easily my favorite moment within this episode!! I get that this is dark, and the wrong way for Reese to handle it, but I understand his reasons for letting them kill one another, or to let this situation play out such as it does. The wife played him, and manipulated him so that she would be able to get away with her crimes, which isn't an easy feat. And the husband was just an outright scumbag for his role in this whole mess. And neither of them cared who else might get hurt in the process. So, I definitely get Reese for just wanting to be done with it all, and for wiping his hands clean of whatever happens to them both. Either both of them are just dead, or the survivor in their shootout should one of them have survived, will come to be arrested. I love our heroes' trial they set up with Vanessa in order to determine whether she's innocent or guilty. I love how this team works so well together. :) I also love Shaw throughout this episode too. I especially love the scenes where Shaw joins the women at the book club, and not so subtly ensures Vanessa's so called friend having an affair with her husband, that she is safe at gunpoint. She's also hilarious in her scene with Fusco at the bank when he has to stop her from stabbing the bank manager for being so incompetent. So funny. :) And lastly... I really love the opening scene of this episode between Reese, Finch, Bear, and the veterinarian, as Reese saves the doctor from her attackers with Bear's help, after he, Finch and Bear go undercover to protect the woman. Fabulous!!! Thank you again, Jessie! Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I absolutely love how much they use BEar int hese episodes. HE is the perfect addition to the crew! And I love how Bear makes Shaw a bit of a softy lol