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Released to the cats Meow/Meeow on Friday November 3rd!!


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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Nothing to Hide- Thank you so much for another great reaction to another fantastic episode of Person of Interest, Jessie! I really love this episode a lot! I love the storylines, and the introduction to the leader of an upcoming mysterious organization, and new threat to our heroes... Peter Collier. Yikes! So not good. I never saw this twist of Peter Collier being the mystery man behind all the chaos throughout this episode. And I love it! Reese, Finch, Shaw, Carter, and Fusco are all once again fantastic throughout this episode. Poor Reese actually gets shot and wounded in this episode, and Finch gets a vase broken over his head, causing him to be injured too. And so much is happening! Also, Carter is now having to deal with a rookie as her new partner on account of her demotion down to officer. Officer Lasky certainly seems innocent enough. He's very sweet. Like you... I feel badly for Lasky because of Carter's rough attitude towards him throughout a majority of this episode. I feel badly for rookies too, and don't think they should ever be treated so poorly, even just in jest. But also like you... I couldn't help but feel that Lasky's sudden appearance right behind Carter later on at their crime scene, was very strange, and a bit creepy. Plus... Alonso Quinn and HR knows that Carter is still looking into Cal Beecher's death. So, is Lasky a good guy, or is he with HR? Who knows? This season has kicked off to a great start, and I cannot wait to continue on this journey with you, dear friend!!! Thank you again very much, Jessie! Until your next reaction for Person of Interest... Sincerely, Heidi

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

That;s right, Reese did get injured this episode! Something that also doesn't happen a lot. It's almost like all ehll has broken loose now that the machine is with Root lol