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Released to The cats Meow/Meeow on Thursday August 17th!!


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Alycia Ortiz

omg I heard Delicate Taylor's Version was in this episode, cannot wait to watch it tonight! Will be back to update my comment lol Okay, this is the first time a Taylor song has played during a Jelly scene and that kinda breaks my heart being a conrad girlie lol also Jenny chose to play “snow on the beach” during that heartbreaking scene on the beach and NOT when belly and conrad were on the beach in Winter so that was so rude of her 😂 That little whisper Jere did to Belly was pretty hot lmao I swooned for a minute also. I hated when Jere was telling off Conrad, like why wasn’t he there everyday? Susannah would have never wanted him to stop going to college for her. It was a messed up thing to say. To conclude, I’m only shipping Taylor and Stephen this season until Belly gets her shit together 😂😂


Oh and last last time I wanted to add his that Jeremiah definitely made Conrad the father figure his dad never was which is why he holds such a high standard for him so that the second a tiny thing he disagrees with he’ll bring up this Adam SHOULDVE done or did to make Conrad be the bad guy when his anger should be directed towards his deadbeat father who he NOW looks up to instead of his brother. He blames Conrad for every little bad thing his father did and it’s totally gonna bite him in the ass later on😭 just like the books


That Conrad/Belly scene on the beach at the end made complete sense to me. Belly never realized how much Conrad loved her so when she heard that he cared so much that he begged Jere to let them be together she realized that he loved her so much. So if she knew he felt that way she would have fought to save their relationship but she assumed at the time that he didn't care. Conrad assumed that she knew how much he loved her. It was one massive miscommunication and just really sad to see how much it broke them. Jere thought Belly would be mad at Conrad for going to him for his blessing, which I think you also thought she would be mad about it so you were confused when she wasn't. In reality, when Jere told belly that, she had the opposite reaction to what he thought she would have.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Snow on the beach being held back until now was DEF intentional and a personal attack to every single viewer LOL Also, I agree with your Taylor/Stephen ship, Belly get to work!!

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

What has Jer blamed Conrad for in regards to anything his father did? I don't think Jer made Conrad the father figure anymore than Conrad made himself the father figure. If it's there then why not. I think he holds a high standard because he literally says everyone was always reminding me of how much better you were than I was. So if everyone your entire life has put you second and your brother 1st then of course you're going to start to believe it. This is where I start to loose people sometimes because I have never read the books and from what I have gathered Book Jer and Screen Jer are 2 TOTALLY different characters, so to project any feelings from one to another is just going to be inaccurate from the start of any argument. Someone kept saying how Jer was going on TONS of dates and I was like Jer said he took A date to the prom, he never said TONS of dates, and they were like oh well that was said in the book. So that doesn't count then! Because Book Jer is clearly not Screen Jer.


Book Jeremiah is very much screen jeremiah just like Conrad in the books is the same in the show. It’s just modern😭 even with the dynamics it’s the same. And Jeremiah blames Conrad for absolutely everything Adam has done. Even with the comparison and it’s not just last season but this season too. And Jeremiah was a whore in the book and in the show it’s been stated by literally every instance when he’s bragged about hooking up with someone😭 so I don’t understand what you mean by dates. Because just cuz you date doesn’t mean you can lose feelings for someone so once again if you think in the 7 months Belly was with Conrad Jeremiah was never with another girl let’s be a little serious.


Also last episode and in season 1 if I remember clearly it was Conrad’s fault that their dad is an absolute asshole and it’s Conrad’s fault he gets compared and he only ever wanted to be better and faster than Conrad.So yes I believe their problem starts with Adam than Susannah. Because simply hating on your own brother for being in a relationship and in college while you’re in highschool seems immature to me. So I blame the deadbeat father for not showing love and respect to BOTH of his sons.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I think what really confuses me is how Belly at the end of the summer was the one to say let's stay single for the sake of the family healing after Conrad was the one advocating for her to be with him. So if that's how she truly felt then why would she not get mad at him for putting Jer in that position and why did she not see that as him fighting for them at that time? We also had Conrad showing up at her house unannounced in October asking to kiss her and saying he wanted to be with her, again, seemingly fight for them to be together. That's why I just don't get how she is so shocked at this news and feeling like he finally proved his love. Like girl, he's been proving it this whole time, what do you want him to do murder Jer and propose to prove his worth? Lol