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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Friday August 21st!


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Yeah they were actually in Paris. They mentioned in an interview that in the scenes in the Louvre, which should be next episode? all the background people were added in post, since they filmed it while the Louvre was closed, but they were there. Interesting how they explained Nick and Charlie not sharing beds. I don´t think Charlie would have minded at all, but Tao´s reasoning was fine. In the books it made a bit more sense. There Tao still didn´t know during the Paris trip that Nick and Charlie are dating, so he shared a bed with Charlie, so he doesn´t have to share with his "unrequited crush". I´m glad Imogen ended it. I was a bit annoyed that she was so distant the last few episodes since she was hanging around Ben so much. Nick being half-french must have been hard for Kit, since he was forced to learn to pronounce atleast a few lines in french lol. Good that they are expanding on his family, since we only knew about his mum back in season 1.