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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Friday September 29th!!


Person of Interest S2 E19 Trojan Horse


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Trojan Horse- Thank you so much for this reaction, for a phenomenal, yet tragic episode, Jessie! I really love this episode a lot! First and foremost... It is so sad that Cal Beecher is killed at the end of this episode. After all of Carter's worries and time thinking that he was corrupt like all of the other cops and detectives involved with HR, it turns out that he really was a good man, who was tragically killed for getting too close to the truth as he worked to investigate Detective Szymanski's frame up and murder, which was also another tragic death too. And I feel so bad for Carter, because she cares so much for Beecher, and now feels guilty because she didn't trust him until it was too late. And she was close friends with Szymanski too. Carter has not only lost one close friend, but a man she was really growing to care about, maybe even love too. I love the character of Cal Beecher, just like I love the character of Detective Szymanski as well! It sickens me to know that it was Cal's own Godfather who has him killed. Cal trusted him, so of course he would never suspect him as being corrupt... let alone the Head of HR. Although, upon talking to Elias, I do believe that he was starting to suspect that his Godfather may not be the man he believed him to be. And I suspect that Cal would have spoken with Carter later about his fears, had he not been killed. Both Cal's and Szymanski's deaths are tragic. They might not be in too many episodes overall, but this show does a fantastic job at making you come to really care about both of these men for as long as we get to know them for. And Carter cared about the both of them. You can imagine that she's most certainly going to fight to solve their murders, and to take down all those responsible for them. Also... I love the scene between Beecher and Elias inside the prison where Elias is still being held, as well as the earlier scene also between Elias and Finch, as they both play chess with him while talking about this mysterious threat everyone is struggling to solve. I love that Elias tells Finch not to count him out just yet too. I love Elias! :) And of course... I really love the overall storyline where Reese and Finch fight to save Monica. Not only from being set up to take the fall for the corruption within her company that she is striving to find out the truth about, but also from being killed. I love the twists and turns throughout this episode! Especially when the people we are always led to believe are behind the corruption, either turn out to be innocent, or just a stooge under the true corrupt individual setting Monica up... her own boss, who also happens to be a stooge working for Decima Technologies. It's sad that Ross gets killed, because he really was innocent the whole time, and he was probably as devoted to his company as Monica was. And then... I also love the moment when her boss receives a call, then suddenly turns his gun on himself as he dies to avoid talking to Reese and Monica, as well as to protect his family from the man whom Kara had been working for as revealed in the previous episode... Dead Reckoning. A man who called himself "the New Gods", as he is the Head off of Decima Technologies. I didn't see this moment coming. For me, it came out of nowhere. It's brilliant!! Oh... And I also love that Reese and Finch use Bear as a distraction within the office building in order to lure away the security officers, so that Reese and Monica can get in to do what they need to do. Bear is just amazing! :) And lastly... Shaw is back! I love seeing her again too, because her character is absolutely amazing!! Plus... I love that she's been hanging around New York to look after Cole's (her former partner) parents to make sure they'll be okay. It's so sad that her former boss tried to ruin Cole's good name by making him appear dirty. Thank goodness for Finch, as he makes up a story to make Cole out to be a true hero that he was. Which makes me love Shaw all the more too, because she cares about wanting to make sure that Cole's family knows the truth about their son truly being a hero. And I absolutely love the scene outside of the parents' home between Reese and Shaw, as he assures her that he understands her all too well, and that she doesn't have to be alone in the dark anymore. Beautiful! Thank you so much again, for another fantastic reaction, for another fantastic episode of Person of Interest, Jessie! I love this episode!!! Until your next reactions for these final three episodes of season two in Person of Interest... Sincerely, Heidi

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I love that Shaw is looking after Cole's parents too. I think she is very stone cold and hard to show love, but when he said the thing about being a hero to her right before she died I think it really hit her and showed that she can get emotionally attached.