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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on  Thursday November 16th!!


(No title)



“i’m half italian, half drag queen, i’m allowed to get worked up!” that’s the quote i referenced when we first met michael’s father because it makes me laugh EVERY SINGLE TIME! brian’s family is the worst i swear there’s not a redeemable bone in any of them. i’m so glad we don’t see them often because i could not deal with it. i would definitely punch someone. the last time brian was in legal trouble with kip (that guy from work who lied because he wouldn’t get him the job), justin saved the day with blackmail and now here is he saving him again. i love that he still cares and that we keep getting scenes especially ones like that final one. the tension was palpable but luckily nothing happened. i wouldn’t want anything to come about via cheating. but it was nice to have acknowledgment that the feelings are clearly still there. ted and emmett deciding to buy their own place was definitely a choice and idk if i agree with it. their relationship is still so new and they could barely handle moving in together but hoping for the best for them going forward. melanie and lindsay choosing michael as their baby’s father wasn’t too surprising. he is great with kids since he’s basically a grown kid himself but he can also be kinda selfish so it’ll be interesting how he’d be with his own kid.