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Uh nice! I haven´t watched this yet myself, and was kinda thinking this might be Sikozu´s next pick. Either this or Zoey´s Extraordinary Playlist. Excited to watch this show alongside you.


Zoey's probably will be next :D I do love me some underappreciated musicals ;)


I was not expected the beginning to be that heavy. I personally am child-free, but my best friend took a lot of time, effort and money to finally be able to get pregnant so I really empathize with the characters here. I think that old lady assuming pregnancy was also subtle nod to what poor Cecily was faced with when on SNL, there were constant 'is she pregnant' anytime she gained even a little bit of weight. Loved all songs, but I think Dove won this episode with Kaput! :) The last minute word swap was perfect. The 1st season was a bit outside of my comfort zone, as I did not know many of the referenced musicals. Now with this season I am way more familiar with the musicals used as a blueprints :) So this is so much more fun for me.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

YES that begining was heart breaking. This show does a good job at being absolutely ridiculous, but alos very relatable and heart wrenching at th same time. I agree in that I know a lot more musicals int his season, so as fun as season 1 was season 2 is a bit mroe exciting!

Carla Bleiker

Argh guess now the Patreon curse has hit me too- cannot open this one


can you post the google drive links for this episode and episode 2? vimeo never cooperates with my computer

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Doing it now, sorry about that! When I first started using Google Drive I didn't have to post the link in the comments, but recently I had to start doing that, so let me know if there are any other videos you find to be like that that you need!


I've only watched the first episode, but in case you never realized, Jenny is actually supposed to be Sally Bowles from Cabaret, not Roxie! Kaput's influences are the songs Cabaret and Mein Herr, both songs that Sally sings in the Kit Kat Club, (note the Kratt Club) and the dead girl was named Elsie (Cabaret has a verse about Sally's ex girlfriend and roommate Elsie, who died)