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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Friday July 21st!!


Person of Interest S2 E9 C.O.D


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

C.O.D.- Hello! Thank you so much for another great reaction for Person of Interest, Jessie! I really enjoy this episode a lot! It's not among my favorites, but I really, really enjoy the overall storyline. And I really love seeing Michael Irby who plays Fermin Ordonez throughout this episode. I enjoy this actor in a few other movies and shows too, including a one season show I really enjoyed a lot, titled... Almost Human. Which I actually had your brother watch for me, on his channel as it happens. But I really love seeing him here in Person of Interest, playing a character so unlike all other characters he plays. Fermin is a good man, and he has very tender moments within this episode. Moments I love. It's fantastic! Also... I like Fermin's overall story, as he sells a computer with valuable information hoping to gain the extra money he desperately needs for his family, as the Russians seek the computer and him out in order to kill all of those who came into contact with the laptop. I also love how Fermin is doing all he can to bring his family over from Cuba. Reese and Finch, as well as Bear like always, are fun. I love all of their scenes, especially in the ending inside the pool hall when they fight against the Russians. I love seeing Bear continue to be protective of Finch during the fight, then seeing Fermin throw a pool ball at one of the bad guys' heads to protect Reese. Brilliant!! Bear is so cute!! :) Like you... I absolutely love seeing how protective and good Reese is. He does so much for the people he protects day in and day out. And this time... He gives Fermin a good tip for driving him around all day even after Reese has spent all day protecting him, then sends him off to Carter with the right information so that she and the other detective working with Carter throughout this episode, can help him get his family here from Cuba. It's beautiful! I also enjoy Fusco and Carter once more, even though I am a little annoyed with Fusco for not telling Reese what's going on with him. He certainly needs Reese's help now more than ever. Because he's unfortunately in a lot of trouble, thanks to Simmons giving Carter a tip about the missing cop he and Fusco knows was actually killed, but by Reese back in season one's episode... Blue Code. Not Fusco. Reese had killed this dirty cop in order to save Fusco's life. Which Simmons doesn't know about, as he still believes that it had been Fusco who killed him. Unfortunately, it's now come back to bite Fusco in the butt. I know Reese appears to be acting very callous towards Fusco, and I do think it's sad, because I do love Fusco so much. And because Fusco is a good guy, just trying to be the better man we both know he really is already. However, I do understand why Reese is still acting such as he is towards Fusco. After all... Fusco did try to kill him and nearly had him killed a second time too, back in season one's episode... Cura Te Ipsum. And Fusco is, or rather was... a dirty cop. So, of course Reese isn't going to be completely trusting of him. Fully trusting Fusco for Reese is going to really take some time, and for good reason. However, Rese does answer Fusco's call despite him being busy while fighting the Estonians, and then calls Fusco back once they're finished. And he even then questions Carter about Fusco and asks her if he's okay upon sensing that Fusco had lied to him about whatever bothering him. This shows that Reese does care about Fusco, whether he openly admits it or not. And I love it!! And of course... I love that Elias sets up Simmons within HR when Simmons reaches out to Elias' right hand man, Anthony, or Scarface as Reese likes to call him. I love that Elias is refusing to work with HR again, since HR burned their alliance back in season one's episode... Flesh and Blood. Of course Elias doesn't trust HR anymore. And thankfully, Elias most likely told his guy who shoots the other cop with Fusco, to tell the Mafia Don, not to kill Fusco out of the two cops that come out to speak with him and to send him back to HR with Elias' message, given that they know about Fusco's alliance with Reese. I love that we continue to hear more and more about Elias, as a reminder that just because he's in prison, doesn't mean we can count him out as a player in our game. Even though Elias hasn't made an appearance in some time, he's still very much a part of this show. However, I am happy we get to see Elias' right hand man, Anthony, again in this episode! A great character! Thank you so much for another amazing reaction, Jessie! Until more Person of Interest... Sincerely, Heidi