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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Kingsman: The Golden Circle- Thank you very much for your fun and fantastic reaction to this brilliant sequel... Kingsman: The Golden Circle, Jessie! Just like the first movie, I love this movie too!! It's hard for me to say which of these two movies I love more as well, but I think I might have to say the first movie is slightly above this one, solely because the first movie is the original. Plus... The first movie has that incredible fight scene with Galahad played by phenomenal actor... Colin Firth, inside the church, to the amazing song... Freebird, by Lynyrd Skynyrd. A fight scene unlike any other, and one that can't be surpassed. Most of all... I absolutely love how the creators and writers were able to bring Harry Hart back to life for this movie, after he had been "killed" in the first movie. And it's a fantastic idea too!! I absolutely love Colin Firth as an actor!! Plus... I also really love that this movie brings Eggsy and Merlin to Kentucky, where they come to work with the Kingsmen's' American counterparts... the Statesmen, who reunite them with Harry. Bloody brilliant! Now... I don't drink at all, but I love that the names of famous American alcohols are the codenames for the Statemen. It's smart writing, because it makes sense for these characters, and because these drinks are very American. And I love the look and designs of the new settings for this movie! Both the Statesmen's headquarters, and Poppy's home within the ruins. I love this movie's overall story where both Kingsmen and Statesmen work together to stop Poppy from killing all the drug users for her own agenda, by putting poison into all of the world's drug supplies. I personally don't like that people use drugs recreationally. However, I definitely don't agree with those who believe killing everyone who has ever used drugs for some reason or another in their lives is the solution. And I hate the President in this movie for that reason because he does. Plus, he's an idiot too. And while I hate that Agent Whiskey is revealed to believe this way too, I still like his character a lot! As for this movie's new characters... My favorite new character is Ginger Ale played by Halle Berry. She's the Statesmen's, Merlin, because she's the team's technology geek. However, she's also her own character. I love her drive to want to become a new field agent. I also love how she makes it possible to bring Harry back to life, having been the one to create the way to save those who are killed by a bullet to the head like Harry was, as well as Agent Whiskey later on. I also both love and hate Agent Whiskey played by Pedro Pascal. His fight scenes throughout this movie are incredible! I love how he fights with two lassos, one of which is an electrified, retractable lasso. I also just really love his fighting style. A number of his fight scenes are just as impressive as the fight scenes within the first movie. I especially love the big fight between him, Harry, and Eggsy in the end after its revealed Whiskey is a bad guy with his own agenda. I didn't see this twist coming, and I am almost sad that he is a bad guy in the end, because I would have loved to see him again in any sequels to these movies. Also... I do feel bad for him upon learning that his wife and unborn child had been killed by two meth heads, which is what gives him his conviction to make sure that both Poppy and the agencies fail in their plans. I absolutely understand his reasons for wanting to go against the agencies in order to ensure that all drug users are killed off. So, I feel sympathy for him, of course. But I am sad that he goes so far as to try to kill both Harry and Eggsy, as well as all of the drug users who are mostly innocent. And I love Champ, or Agent Champagne as well, played by Jeff Bridges, who is another brilliant actor in so many of his movies. I love him! And I love that Champ is equivalent to Arthur within the Kingsmen. And I just love his own cowboy spunk. I especially love that he makes Ginger Ale the new Agent Whiskey in the end, without making her have to fight for her position among the men, having recognized that she's more than earned becoming an agent. I am sad that Jeff Bridges isn't in the movie more, but then again... Michael Cain wasn't in the first movie any more than Jeff Bridges is here in this sequel. I also love that Elton John has quite a big role throughout this movie as himself as well! I love the cheesiness and craziness he brings to this movie, and I even love his own fight scene in the end when he works with Harry and Eggsy to defeat Poppy. I love Elton John, and I love his music! As for Poppy, played by Julianne Moore... I like her, though not nearly as much as I love Valentine from the first movie. She's creepy and just crazy, just like Valentine too. However, she's also her own character, with a different agenda. At least with Valentine, he believed he was doing good for the world by fighting to end the overpopulation problem. However, with Poppy... She was killing people because she is just crazy and does what she does for the fun of it. She didn't have a reason to kill them like Whiskey or the President did. This is why Poppy is just crazy. As for Agent Tequila, played by Channing Tatum... I am actually really happy that he isn't in this movie very much. Personally, I don't like Channing Tatum at all as an actor. I think he's far too arrogant, and I don't mean simply in his roles. As an actor, he's too arrogant. And that arrogance comes across in all of his roles. And so many women think he's so gorgeous, and he knows it. I don't. I do apologize to you, Jessie. Because I know you do like him. I certainly don't mean to insult you if I have. Also... I like that Princess Tilde is a much bigger character throughout this movie, and that she and Eggsy wind up getting married in the end. I love that Eggsy struggles with the life he wants with her, and that both Harry and Merlin are there for him to assure him he can have everything he wants, and still be the best Kingsman agent like he believes him to be. Overall... This movie is just fantastic like the first movie is too. I really enjoy everything about it. Although... I hate that Merlin, Roxy, and J.B. are all killed. Especially Merlin, whom I absolutely love throughout these two movies. And I love Mark Strong as an actor as well! However, I do love how Merlin goes out singing John Denver in order to distract the men until he lures them over to him, then steps off the landmine to kill them all so that Eggsy and Harry can have a fighting chance. I wanted more from Merlin in the end. I really wanted to see him fight like Harry and Eggsy too. But I do like that he dies taking out as many of Poppy's thugs as he can. Thank you so much once again for this amazing reaction, Jessie!! I really had a lot of fun watching this movie again, with you!! And like always... I can't wait for many more movie reactions to come!!! So, until then, my dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Also, in regards to the third movie, The Kingsman... It is indeed a prequel to these first two Kingsmen movies like you believed. Because I absolutely love these Kingsmen movies, I went to see their prequel movie in the theater. And I was so excited to see this new movie too, I did enjoy it overall. However, it has its flaws. Some of which I'm pretty disappointed by. I really liked the prequel's heroes, but I absolutely hated all of the villains. And the one very minor villain shown briefly within this movie, whom I actually enjoy because he's played by Daniel Bruhl, whom I absolutely love as an actor... is hardly shown at all. This prequel movie is quite different from the two Kingsman movies that I absolutely love, and not so much in a good way. I do enjoy the movie overall, but it's definitely the weakest of the three movies. And unless you wish for me to request it for you sometime in the future, I probably won't. But if you would like to see this movie too, and if you would like for me to request it for you, let me know, and I will be happy to request it for you so you can enjoy it, Jessie. :) I hope my thoughts answer your questions regarding the prequel movie. Sincerely, Heidi

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I figured it must not have been a favorite amongst the fans because I have definitely heard of the second one, but didn't even know there was a third! That's ok, I want you to save your picks for your absolute favorites!