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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Friday July 7th!!


Person of Interest S2 E7 Critical


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Critical- I really enjoy this episode a lot. I love the complexity of the true perpetrator... Westley, from this episode and I really like the innocents that Reese and Finch fight to save. The storyline throughout this episode is smart and well executed, and very entertaining. Allastair Westley is played by actor... Julian Sands, who has been in a great number of movies, and he has guest starred in a number of shows just like he does here with Person of Interest. He's a fantastic villain in every villain role I've ever seen of his, and I believe that for a majority of his roles, he does indeed play the villain. A brilliant actor. Sadly, you may possibly recognize Julian Sands for another reason right now as well, even though you didn't mention so. It's been reported that Julian Sands has been missing since January, after having been declared so by the police upon him disappearing while hiking with his family and friends. And very recently, they've announced that human remains have been found near where Julian Sands was last seen. Days ago, in fact. I truly wish the family well, and hope that the search parties will be able to find him alive. If they're even still looking for him. I believe that a small group is still looking for him. So far... He has not been declared dead. However, it has been many months now since Sands has disappeared, so the odds of his survival is tragically not good. And now with the finding of these remains near where he was last seen... The odds are very much against him still being alive. However, I hope they can find him alive. So tragic. Back to this episode... I also love that we get to see another past character Reese and Finch have saved return to the show. I like Leon Tao a lot. He's a goofy oddball, and a lot of fun. And I love the possibility for him to come back again and again. You're right to remember Tao from a previous episode... From this season's premiere episode. Where Reese first gets Bear while he's working to find Finch and Root, while also having to protect Tao from a group of White Supremacists he had foolishly stolen millions of dollars from. Bear had eaten what remained of the bonds Tao had stolen from them. And last but not least... I love both Fusco's and Carter's involvements throughout this episode a lot too. It is really good to see Fusco create a distraction when he delays, then later discovers the cop to be a bad guy working for Westley. And it is also really good to see Agent Snow again as well. I love Carter's chat with Snow, and seeing Snow's fear as well as his deflation upon him being forced to work for Kara against his will. I love the intrigue with this storyline happening between John Reese, Kara Stanton, and Mark Snow. Always intriguing. Snow is unwillingly working with Kara Stanton, Reese's ex partner in the CIA. Yes... Snow and Kara are working together, but he is now also trying to warn Reese about Kara by getting a message to Carter. Not good. But a great side story! Thank you for another great reaction, Jessie! I can't wait for more!! Until then... Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Sadly, Julian Sands has been officially declared dead as of this afternoon, upon the human remains that had been found just days ago being revealed by the coroner and doctors working with the remains to be his. This is very sad news indeed. I liked Julian Sands in the few roles I've seen him in, because he plays such a brilliant villain. And most of all... I feel so badly for his family and loved ones. I wish them well. Heidi

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Jay actually just told me this, i is so very sad!! At least his family and loved ones have some closure if there is any silver lining in such a horrific tragedy.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Thank you for letting me know! Google Drive has suddenly decided to change the way they embed their links, so to acess the videos please click the links in the descriptions, I'm adding them now!