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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow Tiers on Thursday July 27th!!


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emmett and george are the sweetest! the way george came over to apologize and invite him to dinner. i love learning more about emmett’s past in mississippi too. i’m not one to judge an age gap either even if this one is significant. i think emmett is in his late 20s, he’s the only one in the friend group under 30, but hey if it works and they want to go there, it’s their choice. i get such bad secondhand embarrassment with misunderstandings so michael sitting down with ben at dinner had me cringing for him. such an awkward situation and you can’t help but feel bad for both of them. michael really doesn’t give up on people he wants easily so hopefully his being unable to stop thinking about ben means he’ll reevaluate his feelings and figure out a way forward. ahh yes the brian and justin storyline in this episode, i tend to forget about it but i have a lot of thoughts. justin breaking his own rules literally so soon after making them was a choice especially when they showed brian actually following them at the beginning of the episode. he didn’t just break the no kissing rule either, he also broke the “no names and numbers exchanged” rule. the kid knew justin’s name and where to find him. the scene with him making him go away is almost exactly what brian told him in episode 2 and justin did run away crying in that one. he just didn’t really let it bother him too much because he was back to chasing after him the next episode. i think justin felt for the kid and wanted to make his first time special so he kissed him. i think he also reminded him of himself with the way he was speaking and he didn’t want to leave him with a bad experience. plot wise though i think it happened for a couple of reasons - one to make what that guy told brian at the beginning “if you leave your door open, you never know who’s gonna come in” some sort of foreshadowing and two to subvert expectations for everyone who thought brian would be the one to break the rules. as for brian, i think he’s a lot more forgiving than most partners would be in the situation because justin is so young and he does want him to have a life of his own. he wants him to explore and figure out what he wants. like he loves him and wants to be with him, but he also wants him to enjoy his youth and doesn’t want to hold him back from anything. it’s a complicated situation. and obviously he is kinda hurt by it, it’s why he’s going so hard at the gym but it’s the risk you have to take with unconventional relationships like theirs. the script direction for their final scene is interesting because it mentions how neither of them want the other to actually point out someone they want to hook up with because they’re both kinda shaken by the whole situation. luckily justin spoke up and said fuck the game so they both got what they wanted and went home together. i’ll have to find it and post exactly what it says because i found it so interesting when i first read it.


so i searched but sadly the links to the scripts found aren’t active anymore 😔 https://brianknny.tumblr.com/post/148446974025/queer-as-folk-script-master-post/amp but luckily i found a gifset with a compilation of a few scenes so here’s one for a part of that scene https://64.media.tumblr.com/cd1d53498b00a54a0109df6298c0e94d/6755934d75ee2d4c-e5/s540x810/33dc7081b71531be51e9674867a3e441d2a99f30.gifv “Justin hopes Brian will say no. Brian hopes Justin won’t see anyone. Justin reaches out, slips his hand in Brian’s, a simple romantic gesture. They kiss deeply. As they stand there above the crowd, everyone else forgotten.”