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Sorry about my face being half cut off at the end!! I didn't realize how far back I was leaning in my chair lol 


Elite S6 E2 Selfies.mp4



It´s great to see you enjoying this show again after season 5! As I said under the first episode. Raul is an influencer too and they run those accounts together. So he isn´t just acting entitled to "her fame". Their brand is their relationship, and they build that together. That being said his reaction was still absolutely unwarranted. Yes, 1,5 million is a lot. But just like Sara said, they still have 10 million followers which should be plenty to still afford their life style. And it should be fine for Sara to be authentic on their account. About Isadora using. I think it´s just that this is how she learned to cope. She doesn´t know what else to do. And while she (or rather her parents) have the money I could see her not going for therapy because it could "hurt" her parents´s business and reputation. For some reason. Like "oh... their child is so troubled! First she "lied" about the accusations and now she needs therapy!" I get what Ivan means with Patrick being selfish. He didn´t just do the video to protect Cruz or Ivan, he also did it to relieve his guilt after fucking things up with Ivan. So in a way it was also for himself. But it was still nice of him to do it. And I love his speech to Ivan about how he helped him realize that he is self sabotaging himself and that Ivan was his first real love. It´s cute! But man, there is so much baggage between those two. Bilal continues to be a waste of a character. Still no clue why he exists. He doesn´t even have a personality! He is kinda nice... I guess? I want Ari to be run over by the car instead. She and the guys that did stuff to Isadora. I hate them all so much. Ari tries way too hard to be "cool" with Nico being who he is that it just feels so forced. And then she hurts him anyway because she is inconsiderate of everyone around her. I assume Nico´s parents are just worried about him because it was probably hard for him during the time before his transition. So now that he is doing well they are concerned that despite having transitioned now he will run into something that will set him back. Which Ari is already achieving. By the way, I love that those characters have families again! It feels like we barely got that in the last few seasons. Like back then we had Samu´s mom, Carla´s parents, Guzman´s parents, Nadia´s parents etc. We saw so much of those character´s home life. Even if they weren´t major parts of the story. So it´s nice to get that a bit more again with Nico. Thankfully Didac is smart! By the way I´m crediting Ivan throwing the phone last season to the fact that the writing was terrible. And we couldn´t have the storyline Isadora is going through now if they had solid evidence at the end of last season. So they were lazy in setting it up last season. So Didac is new in Madrid. Which explains why he even stuck around with these guys at all after spending 5 seconds with them. They so clearly suck. But he didn´t have any other connections so he went along with them. And he trusted his friend. And yet he still recognized that those guys were acting really weird and petty. The plan to make them wasted was so good! He already did more for Isa than her parents who just let the case be dropped lol.

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I agree that it's nice to see some family life aside from stupid Benjamin lol And yes, 100% wish Ari got hit instead ugh. I'm assuming the writers changed again this season?


I can´t find the specific writing credits in the wiki, but I checked a few of the episodes manually. And no, the head writer for season 6 is the same guy that did the majority of season 5. So I´m not sure how that happened lol. Because the writing is definitely better.