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Manifest S2 E8 Carry On Part 2.mp4



Saanvi didn´t forget that she met Alex and that she helped with the cure. She only misses some moments. Like the kiss in the park. So as I understand she kinda has blackouts since she took the serum. I love Drea Mikami! She is great. So much better as a partner than Jared. I´m happy TJ is alive, and we still got nice scenes about his death with Olive and Ben, the whole praying was nice. And the Path to Enlightenment is buddism, Olive also mentioned that during their prayer. So no, she hopefully isn´t into the "Believer" stuff anymore. The building would just be called a buddhist temple by the way. Although I don´t think that was really a religious building and more just meditation in general, but they had buddism stuff there because meditation is a big part of that.


i’ve been super busy, so sorry on my lack of commenting, but i love this episode!! i’m so glad tj is back! i was not expecting it honeslty lol. especially with the body they found with the bracelet i was convinced! i also love michaela’s new parter, she’s awesome!! thank you again for the reactions!! can’t wait for next time! ❤️