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OUAT S7 E20 Who Is This Henry Mills? Full


Alex A Alvarenga

I didn't watch episode 19 reaction yet I'm still at work but definitely super excited that she already reacted to episode 20 which is one of my favorite episodes I wonder why she decided to do too I'm happy just curious

Alex A Alvarenga

I totally understand I was wondering maybe for the finale you could do a live reaction we would love to interact with you or perhaps if you don't want to get in trouble with patreon with copyrights perhaps you could do a live reaction review and I really hope you'll watch all the promos and season 7 goodbye videos I could make a list for you again

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Is This Henry Mills?- One word... Phenomenal!! I can't say enough about this episode, other than that it's just so beautiful. And I couldn't have been happier with all we get within such an incredible episode! Thank you, thank you so much for your reaction for this episode, Jessie! I was so excited for you to see this one, and your reaction for it is as fun and as exciting as I hoped. Thank you! First... I really love each of the moments between young Henry and Regina back in Storybrooke, in what we all believed to be past events in a Storybrooke backstory, until the amazing big time travel revelation reveals to us that these events are in fact happening in Storybrooke while the present day events in Hyperion Heights are happening too!! Which I will come back to shortly... Oh... and I love it when Granny makes an appearance too! I had no idea she knew anything about cars and engines. Maybe she learned it all from Ruby. But maybe Granny is just a jack of all trades. Who knows? And I really, really love all of the college talk between Henry and Regina as well, and how Henry doesn't know where to go or how to move on with his life until adult Henry's call, which I will also get back to momentarily… Next... I also really enjoy and appreciate Gold's apology to Regina towards the beginning of this episode. It is very sweet and heartfelt. And I'm so glad that they are once again able to put their differences and pasts behind them so they can be friends again. I absolutely love, love, love the scene between Rogers and Weaver at the precinct, when Rogers asks Weaver about what's really going on. I love all of Weaver's responses, especially when Rogers speaks of Tilly truly being his daughter, and how his heart once again feels like a thousand daggers being plunged into him, and then when Rogers asks who he truly is and Weaver answers... "All you need to know, is that you're a survivor... Captain." Amazing and brilliant!!! The emotion in Rogers' eyes and on his face is beautiful like always. And I also absolutely love, love, love each of the scenes with Rogers and Tilly. Especially the beginning scene when Rogers tries to save his daughter, but then has to leave the cave to get help, when the poison in his heart is once again activated when he touches her upon magic returning to Hyperion Heights. It's so heartbreaking. Oh... and I am also really happy to see Rogers free himself from the ropes by removing his prosthetic hand, finally allowing us viewers to really see it for the first time this entire season, and not just his real hand hidden beneath a black glove. I wish we would have gotten to see his fake hand more, and that there might have been an explanation from him about how he believes he had lost his hand according to his false memories. This would have been nice to know. And I love seeing Rogers knock the cop under Gothel's spell out too. This is a nice bonus. He was always a bit of a jerk to Rogers. Now, as for the big moments within this episode... After the scene between adult Henry and Regina when she tries to bring his memories back, I really understand why Henry doesn't believe in the fairytales any longer, and I really can feel Henry's pain. Because as adults, we do rationalize the things we see and are taught from when we're kids away, so that the world makes more sense. And because I can always feel the emotions within these scenes as Regina is fighting to get Henry to believe, it shows what truly amazing acting skills both Lana Parrilla and especially Andrew J. West (adult Henry) really have. I absolutely love Andrew J. West's portrayal of Henry and in this episode. To me... He shines within this episode, above all other episodes this season so far. His scenes, and these moments between him and Regina are brilliant and beautiful. And then if these scenes aren't enough... We also learn that Gothel has brought the heroes back in time to when Henry and everyone else are still in Storybrooke, not too long after the events from season six's two part finale... The Final Battle Parts One and Two. What a phenomenal twist that I didn't see coming at all. No one ever does. And using time travel to make it all the more difficult for our heroes to break her curse, is absolutely brilliant on Gothel's part. Because of course no other heroes can come to help those in Hyperion Heights, or come to interfere in her plans, if they don't know that their loved ones are in danger. Absolutely fabulous! I also absolutely love, love, love how Henry finally comes to believe again, when he calls his younger self after finding the phone number for his mother listed in the adoption papers Regina has slipped into his backpack. Quite a beautiful moment. And probably one of the best, most beautiful scenes in this entire episode, and from all episodes within season seven overall. I love seeing and hearing Henry talk to his younger self, and vice versa. I also very much love Henry's advice to himself about home not being a place, but the people in it. I cry every time this scene and Henry's other emotional scenes come up whenever I watch this episode, no matter how many times I watch it. I just deeply feel the emotions we're always meant to feel. Because while magic isn't real in our world and Once Upon a Time is still fictional, this show continues to remind us to have hope and to believe in ourselves. Something I have struggled with my whole life. Which is why I hold Once Upon a Time so near and dear to my heart. It's why this show is my favorite above all others. But back to this episode... I think that one of my favorite ways that a dark curse has been broken throughout all of the seasons, is the breaking of this curse. Because Henry at last believes in himself again, just as Emma comes to believe in herself and in her love for Henry back in season one's two part finale... An Apple Red as Blood and A Land Without Magic too. And seeing Henry's belief and memories return to him in this moment, then seeing him run to his mother and kiss her forehead to save her just like he does in season three's episode... A Curious Thing, is so incredibly powerful and perfect in every way!! I absolutely love it!! As for my absolute favorite scene throughout this episode... I absolutely love, love, love, the ending battle between all our main heroes this season, as they all band together against Mother Gothel. The curse is finally broken, and everyone is awakened, including Wish Hook and Alice, who is finally freed from Gothel's thrall. I love, love, love how Wish Hook then steps forward to take his daughter's hand as she is facing off against Gothel despite the poison in his heart, which gives Alice the strength and love she needs to defeat Gothel, who is finally gone at last. I love this!! While I really quite love Gothel as a villain, I am so happy to see her become defeated in the most perfect way possible. By her own daughter because Gothel had failed to be any kind of mother to her. And once Gothel is finally defeated... This brings about another of my favorite tender moments of the episode. Happily, everyone is free and happy upon remembering who they are, and becoming reunited with their loved ones at last. However, Wish Hook still can't be with Alice, because sadly the poison in his heart isn't cured by the breaking of the curse, since he had been poisoned long before the curse ever came about. It is so sad to see him lying on the gurney as he now has to be brought into the hospital, while Alice must continue stay away from him. It is so sad to see her and Wish Hook looking at one another from a distance while the paramedics are working to stabilize him. And last, but certainly not least... The final twist and probably the biggest of them all is when Facilier is also very suddenly and shockingly killed by none other than Rumplestiltskin from the Wish Realm. Of all people! Absolutely brilliant!!! I love this! I have to admit... I am not sad or disappointed that Facilier is killed. While I really love him as a villain at first, back in the episodes... Greenbacks and A Taste of the Heights, ever since he came into the present storyline when he comes to Hyperion Heights. However, since then, he became a pretty weak character for me. And I really didn't care at all for his relationship with Regina, on account of Regina no longer being the Evil Queen. Had we seen an episode where we had gotten to see Dr. Facilier and the Evil Queen both as villains together, I might have felt differently. However, because Regina is a hero in this season and he was still a villain trying to get her to come back over to his side, I just couldn't get behind them being together. So yeah... I am pleased with his death too. But wow!!!! Overall... I have to say again, that this episode is definitely one of my absolute favorites this season, and throughout this entire show. The emotions, the excitement, and the breaking of the curse... absolutely phenomenal! My favorites list has certainly grown long. Thank you again, so much, Jessie!! I'm so happy you love this episode!! And I am so grateful once again for your reaction for it!! Until your reactions for the final two episodes ever for Once Upon a Time... So sad, but I'm so excited!!! :) Sincerely, Heidi


This new rumple at the end is Wish Realm Rumple. Like from the same world as Nook. SO back in season 6 when Regina went in to save Emma she set Wish Realm Rumple free. This is that Rumple. Very confusing but yeah 😂

Steve C

I love this episode so much. I can't wait until next week. Along with this episode, those last two truly feel like classic Once Upon a Time, and the finale is the ultimate series finale. Bring your tissues for that last one. That Rumple is from the Wish Realm, just like this Hook. It's the realm that was created in Season 6 when Emma wished that she had never been the savior. Regina went to rescue Emma from the Wish Realm, and they were assisted by Pinocchio and Wish Realm Rumple. It's also where they met the Wish Realm version of Robin Hood, before he travelled back to Storybrooke with Emma and Regina.

Alex A Alvarenga

Fantastic reaction also totally understand a lot of people were confused on which Rumpelstiltskin this was he actually said that he was the wish realm Rumpelstiltskin back in season 6A I can't remember with the whole Aladdin Emma made a wish Regina let the wish realm Rumpelstiltskin out and released him that's who this Rumpelstiltskin is hopefully that makes sense


Don´t take my word for it, but as far as I remember they learned the show got cancelled in the middle of airing. So they probably originally planned to set up Wish Realm Rumple as the big villain for season 8. But since they got cancelled they quickly wrapped it up in the last 2 episodes and went with the version they probably prepared in case of cancellation. I think it wasn´t unexpected since the ratings had been declining for a while. As others have mentioned, that Rumple is from the Wish Realm in season 6. So just like Detective Rogers is the Wish Realm version of Hook, this is Rumple´s version from that Realm, that was created by Emma´s wish.

Bazil Hasan

Yep, according to Lana Parrilla they only found out there would be no Season 8 when they were done filming episode 17 of this season


Personally I wish that the curse should have been broken between Henry and Lucy...instead of another Henry/Regina one. It seems like too much of repeating the S6 finale of Henry/Emma TLK. Also I was not a fan of how quickly both Gothel and Facilier were gotten rid of after their buildup of them being super powerful foes. I'm giving them a little bit of leyway there since this likely could have been one of the first episodes written when finding out the show was cancelled. Also the time travel thing was foreshadowed way back when Regina was trying to convince Rumple to admid he's awake, saying "As much as I'ld like to go to Storybrook for help...we can't get there and they can't know we're here." Also fun trivia, Adam Horowitz kind of accidentally indirectly spoiled that there was a time-travel involved in someway on Twitter. After interviews confirming that Hyperion Heights was "Present Day" (2017/18) someone had asked him what year Henry left Storybrook. He responded with a now deleted tweet saying basically "Years later"....


Alice and Robyn's actresses became really good friends and even lived together. It's kind of a cool, fun fact. This is a big ball of wibbly wobbly time-wimey stuff. This is Wish Rumple from the Wish realm that Rogers is from. To help you remember It's the realm that the Robin Hood that ended up with the Evil Queen is from. This Rumple was also the one in the episode where Rogers's heart got poisoned. The one with Mauli's Fishhook. Gothel was Be-tree-d.

Malachi Fuimaono

At the end, the rumple who killed him said “you think the wish realm could hold me”


the scene with henry talking to himself hit me hard when i watched it! it’s such a beautiful and very complex moment, and i love it!! i also really enjoyed seeing storybrooke more in this episode, i missed it! i’m so excited for the finale episodes!! the ending is probably one of my favorite moments of the entire show, so i can’t wait!!❤️