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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Knightfall- Yes!!! Thank you so much for a fantastic reaction for one of my absolute favorite episodes from season seven, that's centered around Wish Hook/Rogers and his daughter, Alice/Tilly!!! I love this episode very much and I was so excited for you to watch it yourself. First of all... Maui's fish hook being brought here into Once Upon a Time is most certainly a nod to the DIsney movie, but I believe it is more about the Polynesian legends about Maui himself as Rumplestiltskin mentions to Wish Hook, and not so much his character within the Disney movie. Otherwise... they most likely would have mentioned Moana too. And yes... Moana came out in 2016, and this episode first aired in 2018. So, the nod could very well be in reference to the movie as well. So, yes... the timeline once again is a bit confusing at first unless you really work hard to think it all through. I hope I can help you to understand it a bit more. This episode's backstory is centered around Wish Hook, along with the Wish Realm's versions of Rumplestiltskin, Mr. Smee, and Captain Ahab... and this backstory is set within the Wish Realm about ten years after the backstory events occurred between Wish Hook and Mother Gothel first shown in the previous episode... Eloise Gardener when Alice is conceived. Because Alice appears to be about ten years old in this backstory. This story also takes place a few years before Wish Hook becomes the fat old drunkard we see he had become shown in the episodes... Tougher Than the Rest from season six and this season's episode... A Pirate's Life, when Wish Hook meets Killian and Emma for the second time. If you remember... Wish Hook tells Killian in A Pirate's Life, that their stories were the same up to a point, until they diverged and become different after the Wish Realm version of the Evil Queen in the Wish Realm had failed to cast her dark curse. Shortly afterwards, Wish Hook meets Gothel disguised as Rapunzel when she herself is trapped in the tower, and they conceive a child so that Gothel can leave her in the tower in her lace so that Gothel can escape and therefore trapping Alice there instead. All of which is shown in this season's episode... Eloise Gardener. So, these two episodes are very important to the events shown between Wish Hook, Alice, and Mother Gothel here in Knightfall too. And I absolutely love, love, love it all!! Like you... I absolutely love every story centered around Wish Hook/Rogers and Alice/Tilly. Their relationship is so adorable and beautiful, and yet it's so full of tragedy as well. And my heart breaks for both father and daughter. This episode's backstory starts off about ten years or so later, as Alice continues to have nightmares that Gothel will come for her and to kill her father. At this point, Wish Hook makes it clear that he's done absolutely everything he can, short of the one path he has feared to take above all others, to try to free his daughter without success. But Alice's fears trump his own, so Wish Hook leaves to confront his oldest enemy... the Wish Realm's version of Rumplestiltskin, who so far has only seen before back in season six's episode... Wish You Were Here, when Regina from Storybrooke, after wishing herself into the Wish Realm to find Emma after she had been transported there in the Evil Queen's wish, comes to him asking for a magic bean so they can get back home. Regina is the one who finally sets Wish Rumple free from his prison years after the events shown here in Knightfall's backstory between Wish Hook and Wish Rumple. I hope this helps you somewhat despite it still sounding a bit confusing. You can see from the gray hairs seeping through Wish Hook's black hair that he's getting older since he's stayed in the Wish Realm with his daughter in the tower, whereas Killian from seasons two through six never really has aged much due to him having been frozen in time for the twenty-eight years it took for Emma to grow up before she first arrived in Storybrooke to break the first dark curse, thanks to Cora's magic revealed back in season two. I will get back to the main storyline from this episode momentarily... I just wanted to momentarily talk about the scenes between Henry and Ivy, then Ivy and Jacinda. I don't really care too for this storyline much at all. It's okay. But I do appreciate that Ivy appears to be trying to do the right thing for once, and I actually started to believe that maybe she can be redeemed. I also don't care much for the scene in the beginning between Regina and Henry because she spoke about being with Facilier the night before, without actually admitting it was him she was with. I still don't like that they have any kind of relationship. It's so wrong. I do love the scene in the end between Regina and Lucy however, when Regina tells Lucy that she now believes her about everything and that she is her grandmother and Regina... the former Evil Queen. And I love that they've come together to be heroes to bring back everyone's happy endings, in their new operation...Operation Hyacinth, which I believe was the name of a flower which Henry first gave to Ella back in season seven's premiere episode... Hyperion Heights. It's a sweet scene. And now... I absolutely love, love, love all the moments between Rogers and Weaver like always, and I love seeing how protective Weaver has been over Rogers ever since he's woken up. Or rather... since the present day events shown throughout Eloise Gardener. I really love that Eloise comes to the station in this episode to talk to Rogers, as she attempts and succeeds fairly well to continue to manipulate him like she's sadly done to him since they first met. Also... Alice actually is shown to have gotten her love for painting from her father, as Rogers mentions to Weaver that he paints too. And in the beginning scene when Alice is talking to her father about having lost her will to paint, as she's painting her own picture of a ship on the sea during a storm, we see behind her another painting of a ship at sea that Wish Hook had painted. And we see that it is the painting which Eloise asks Rogers to bring into the station to show it to her, knowing it that it's a valuable painting to him because of what it represents. His loneliness. Because Rogers feels that's he's all alone in the world. And boy does Mother Gothel ever get into Rogers' head as Weaver warned him that she would, because she sadly gets Rogers to admit to her that his is lonely, which is exactly what Gothel wants to hear. And it's what she wants for poor Rogers. Of course, Rogers is willing to give up the meaning behind his painting despite Weaver's protests, not understanding the price of making such a deal with her. I was so anxious to find out what about the painting Gothel wanted. And it's brilliant that Gothel talks with Rogers about who he really is, without trying to tell him to wake him up, and that his painting represents so much more to him than he knows. I absolutely love all of the moments between Rogers, Tilly, Weaver at the station, then later at the hospital as well, as Tilly has once again begun to desperately sense that things are very, very wrong especially with Eloise, because Tilly is caught between this world in her cursed memories and her true world. She is absolutely partly awake, but the drugs she's been taking keep her in this constant haze, and she doesn't understand what's happening to her. And therefore, she is terrified. Especially for Rogers as he goes in to talk with Eloise. I love how she appears to be going mad again, and more so... just how afraid for Rogers she's grown to become. Afraid that he is going to be hurt by showing Eloise his painting. She is so concerned for Rogers, even though she doesn't understand why because she doesn't know she is really his daughter. Also... I love how Rogers refuses to believe Tilly is guilty of murdering the blind witch in the hospital, as Weaver does too. I love that Rogers will now be working to find Tilly again and to clear her name. Now on to all the best parts of the episode... I absolutely love the first two scenes between Wish Hook and young Alice. The first being Alice's nightmare in seeing Hook being killed by Gothel. And the second being Hook vowing to free Alice from the tower by going down a dark path that he's always feared taking. I also love hearing him call his daughter, "Starfish", as well as "my little rook." So sweet. :) I really love that Alice paints just like it is established that her father does as well, and that the painting she is shown painting last before giving up on it despite her father's compliments is beautiful, is her own version of her father's painting behind her. I love that both Alice and Tilly can sense when something bad is coming. And I love the moment when Alice's awakens from her nightmare, and we see Wish Hook come in to comfort her. So sad and so sweet. I love that he believes her about her fears that they're in danger this time around, even though he may have been skeptical before. Another of my favorite scenes... When Hook walks into the caves to visit Wish Rumplestiltskin inside his former prison again after so many years. It is amazing to see Robert Carlyle playing Rumplestiltskin again after so long, and he is brilliant like always. And I love that Hook comes to him for help in trying to free his daughter. But more than this, I love that Wish Hook has humbled himself and proclaims he is no longer the man who vowed revenge against him for so long. Such a beautiful moment for Hook, and just as brilliantly acted by Colin O'Donoghue. A perfect scene between both enemies. I love the tavern scene with Wish Hook, Smee, and Captain Ahab, who is an interesting new character for sure. And yes... Captain Ahab comes from the famous classic novel written by Herman Melville, Moby Dick, about a ship's Captain who vows to kill the great white whale, Moby Dick. And no... Ahab and Moby Dick have no ties with Maui. Their stories just happen to be brilliantly brought together by the creators and writers of Once Upon a Time! It is great to see Smee again and I absolutely love the conversation between the two infamous pirate Captains when they come together inside the caves where Wish Rumplestiltskin is still imprisoned. Ahab is so cruel when he accuses Wish Hook of going soft, and he always makes me think back to Black Beard, who accuses Hook of having gone soft too, in season three's episode... The Jolly Roger. I love how when they first come together, Wish Hook challenges Ahab to a game of chance and then wins because Wish Hook regards the rook Alice has given him to protect him as his good luck charm, much like Liam's ring that Liam had given Killian to protect him as well. Then Ahab unfortunately follows Wish Hook back down into Rumple's prison and overhears him as Wish Hook is about to free Rumple for his help. I really love this confrontation between the three men, and I love, love, love seeing such deep pain and conflicting emotions all over Wish Hook's face as he really struggles with his decision to free his enemy, or his decision to fall back into his old life upon being taunted about going soft. And then Ahab challenges Hook to a pistol duel so that everyone will be able to see the man Hook has become. Sadly, because Wish Hook fears the safety of his daughter and of himself, and fears that his reputation will die and therefore they will no longer be protected by it, Wish Hook gives into Ahab's taunts and agrees to duel with him. Thankfully, Wish Hook wins the duel. I absolutely love this scene, especially when Hook realizes he has made a horrible mistake by being there and falling back into his old ways. Because he fears he has failed his daughter. Again... his pained facial expressions are beautiful. Colin O'Donoghue excels at such. I love the slow motion as both Captains were taking their paces and then turn to shoot one another. It is great that Hook was shot only in the arm, while as Smee says... Hook's aim was as true as the north star. But oh... My heart breaks even more because we finally learn how Gothel has poisoned Wish Hook's heart, by poisoning the bullet that struck his arm during the duel. Because she knew that Ahab's taunts would get him to stray from coming back to his daughter, even if just for a moment. Revealing to us that Gothel's has planned all of this to break Wish Hook even more so than she already has. So tragic. But I love every moment of this storyline for Wish Hook, Alice, and Mother Gothel. It is heartbreaking to see just how broken both he and Alice are, when Alice turns around to face her father with disappointment in her eyes upon learning that he hadn't come right back to the tower right away as he promised her he would. Gothel's taunts and cruelty are perfect and I love how she accuses Wish Hook of caring more about his own honor rather than about his daughter. We know it isn't true of course. However, Hook does make a mistake to give into Ahab's taunts despite Rumplestiltskin's warnings. I love, love, love seeing Gothel's overall revelations, ever since we learned of Hook's heart being poisoned way back in A Pirate's Life. These scenes are all so perfectly and beautifully done by all involved. I almost feel both Hook's physical and emotional pain every time I watch this episode, because Colin O'Donoghue plays his anguish so well. And Mother Gothel's scenes throughout this episode are more of why she is one of my absolute favorite villainesses all throughout Once Upon a Time!! Oh... And I love the moment inside the police station, when Gothel taunts Tilly as she looks directly at her through the security camera and waves at her, knowing full well that she's there watching her and Rogers out of fear for Rogers. So eerie and creepy. So perfect for her character I just absolutely love, love, love it all!!!!!! Overall... I absolutely this episode so much, as I've said all along!!! So brilliant and near perfect. I am so happy you love it too. So, thank you again, so much for this marvelous reaction, Jessie!! Sincerely, Heidi

Steve C

Maui's fishhook was just a quick nod. Unfortunately, that's pretty much all we get from the Moana storyline. I think the look on Regina's face just reflects her concern with how they're supposed to save Henry from his predicament. I don't recall there being any other sinister happenings, other than Gothel's cult and the witch murderers.