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For all I said about Kourtney's anxiety storyline being rushed and a little contrived, I felt like this was the episode where they did it justice. I think it was so important to show that one good moment or day doesn't erase the struggle someone has with anxiety. It felt so impactful and genuine to me here and Let It Go was out of this world. I wish Carlos's body insecurities had gotten a redeeming moment this episode as well but I'm going to hold out hope that it comes back around in S4. This one episode literally redeemed the entire anxiety storyline for me and I'm so happy it did. This is what I've been waiting for and I honestly thought we weren't going to get it based on the last few episodes. I really hope this storyline continues into S4 with her, even if it doesn't have as big a spotlight as this season. I'm so glad that Maddox and Jet are going into S4 because I've really just come to love them and their story this season. I'm so excited for the Kourt/Jet and Ashlyn/Maddox stuff. I feel torn on whether I want Ashlyn to stay with Red or try with Maddox but I'll leave it up to the S4 plot to sway me. I'm just excited for the storyline and I love that Red came out too. I think it just made the situation more dynamic and interesting. I think based on how this season went and the way the D23 performance was choreographed that the new core 4 will be Ricky, Gina, Kourt, and Ashlyn. I know EJ will still be in the season but based on Tim's new comments and the fact that EJ is the only one graduated I just don't think he's sustainable as core 4 next season. I hope I'm right about Kourt and Ashlyn though because they deserve more development and spotlight. I was hoping for Carlos too but I don't think so. Speaking of EJ, based on where they took his character this episode, it made me wish even more that they had given his relationship with his father more emphasis all season. I honestly think that EJ should have been unconsciously doing all this for his dad more than for Gina. It's more relatable, more in character, more developed, and I think a way more understandable backslide in character development. When people are facing the unknown and young and yearning for parent/family support, you do stupid things to try to get it. I'm going to make that my headcanon for his character this season because it seems like that was kind of what they were going for. It just wasn't executed well. I really loved the Ricky and Gina end scene. There were so many callbacks to previous moments and while a part of me wanted Ricky to be the one making the speech, I'm glad it was Gina. I loved the parallel with S1 opening night and it kind of being Ricky's ultimate second chance with her. He let her go that night because she was moving and he wanted stability with Nini and to prove that love could work if you fought for it (unlike his parents) and then he was kind of stuck with the decision he made, not that I think he didn't love Nini or want to be with her. I just don't know that he would have made that I love you speech if he didn't think Gina was gone forever. The way Gina talked about Ricky not being a maybe for her made me see what she said in Portwell's breakup differently. It kind of seemed like she was projecting her own feelings towards EJ (feeling like he was a maybe for her). I think Portwell had a beautiful friendship in S2 but I always felt Gina liked being liked more than she liked EJ. I don't blame her after all the confusion and rejection with Ricky and thinking that she imagined it all in her head but I never really felt she liked EJ for EJ romantically and her reference to being a maybe in the Rina confession made me rethink Portwell's breakup. You mentioned how it's one thing if Gina just didn't want to put the work in to move past the summer or to give it time to change since it was only 2 weeks and I think maybe this is why. When EJ stopped showing up for her and she felt rejected and alone, I think she realized she didn't like him as much as she thought she did. I don't know that one just got me thinking. The kiss was sweet and Josh and Sofia nailed the whole scene (they apparently did it in two takes). Tim has recently revealed that he's had this kiss planned since homecoming and while the ride has been bumpy and I think some of it not executed well with the plot devices (Portwell) there's something special about Tim seeing that cheek kiss in the car and recentering the whole future of the show around Rina's chemistry. I'm paraphrasing, I think he said something more along the lines of it changing the whole trajectory of the show forever but what a reveal. Tim also said that this season was actually planned with Covid in mind. Apparently, they scraped the huge S2 finale because they were having a lot of Covid risks in SLC and a lot of the crew and actors had been there a year trying to shoot the season and he made the call that everyone needed to go home for safety. Shooting a summer camp in LA instead was meant to keep them out of SLC and at lower risk.

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I definitely agree that this episode redeemed that for Kourt and I'm SO glad it did. I really loved the conversation she had with Alex and I think the fact that they showed just how famous she is getting is a perfect way to once again incorporate the struggles she is still going through even though she has all fo this new fame. I also hope they give this kind of effort to Carlos's situation in Season 4. It makes me sad to see EJ not be a core 4 member, but yeah I think it's time to give the spotlight to Ashlyn and Kourtney and the new additions. I'm thinking it might be a slow burn, but eventually Ashlyn and Biggie are going to end things, but I think it's going to be on a positive note. I think because they made Ricky and Carlos's relationship thrive this season we will actually see a bit more of him then I anticipate, at least I hope because I love my Seb!! Ej, ugh, lol I am just so disappointed in what they did with his character and I agree, I feel like they had a good story for him in mind and just didn't execute it properly. So I am not too bummed to take a break on him and have him on the back burner for now. I just hope they don't completely abandon his story. I think that's a great way of putting it. Gina liked being liked more than she actually liked it being EJ, and I don't think she even realized that until after. I would love to have a closure conversation between EJ and Gina in season 4 before Rina goes full force and I think it will make peace with a lot of things that were done poorly in season 3. It makes SO much sense that they had covid in mind while filming this because I honestly thought all the issues were because of covid, which I guess they still kind of were lol It's refreshing to hear that they value the safety of everyone involved over the ratings and I love the show all the more for that!