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Hey everyone! Got really busy yesterday and obviously did not post Lucifer, I'm going to try and do it later today or tomorrow! But just fyi moving forward I am going to be alternating with Lucifer Season 2 and ELite Season 2 on Thursdays. It's been so long since we finished Elite Season 1 and I want to get that going before I start to forget everything! lol Thanks and I hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Sounds good, Jessie! Don't stress yourself out by pushing yourself to watch these reactions for us before you're ready and happy to watch our shows and movies we all love from you so much. And it's fine that you're alternating between both Lucifer and Elite. I've heard of Elite, but never had any interest in watching it, personally. But nonetheless... I hope you really continue to enjoy both shows. :) Sincerely, Heidi