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OUAT S6 E8 I'll Be Your Mirror

This is "OUAT S6 E8 I'll Be Your Mirror" by Jessie Masters on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I definitely get why people are critical of the show. And now in season 6 the writing is also starting to get a bit... whatever. Like you mentioned with the switched mirrors. It´s still good! But some aspects just feel less thought through. Like, why even reintroduce the Dragon? He didn´t really do much, and in the end they didn´t even resolve it and let him out too. I also don´t really like the hammer thing, they introduced it just in this episode and didn´t really explain well what that thing even does. Just something about providing magic to people that don´t have it. So I guess Henry couldn´t have crushed the heart without the hammer because he doesn´t have magic? And his lack of magic is also the reason why he couldn´t just take back the command from the heart? Pretty sure the escape only worked thanks to the magic hammer too. Which makes the plan even more stupid. I´m not buying that the Evil Queen would actually do such a sloppy plan to teach Henry a lesson and provide him with exactly the tools to free Regina and Emma, like, you couldn´t have done something that didn´t enabled their escape? It´s just all very convenient. The sideplot with Belle and Aladdin was nice though, good to check in with him and Jasmine again, also I agree the dynamic Belle/Zelena is kinda fun. If Zelena wouldn´t make bad decisions constantly they could be good friends, they already had some nice conversations during the Underworld arc too.

Liana Z

I generally liked the episode, because I loved the Evil Queen disguising as Regina arch. She was so evil but her mannerisms were distinctively different from how Regina acted in Season 1. There was this added air of superiority and whimsicalness. However, as a Chinese person I have to say the portrayal of a Chinese dragon is cringe because aside from the form everything else is still western dragon. Chinese dragons don’t breathe fire. In fact it’s the opposite of that: They’re gods of the ocean and can summon rainwater. I’m not nitpicking or trying to be cultural police. It’s just that this little detail was kind of funny to me.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I feel like going back and watching Season 1 Evil Queen to compare now because you are so right, the amount of personalities and characters that Lana plays within herself is amazing! Very interesting, I had no idea that Chinese Dragons had anything to do with water! That's definitely a sloppy mistake on their part. I feel like they were SO good at giving depth and detail int he first few seasons and now they are tired so they are making more mistakes lol


Getting caught up on your reactions. In regards to how the Queen knew what mirror was goin to be used, it is a call back to season one. The mirror used is the one the Geni (Sydney) gave to Regina and was then trapped in, when he used his last to wish to always be at her side. It therefore makes sence that this mirror is enchanted to trapping people in this mirror realm.


I am loving Belle and Zelena right now I think that he only broke the mirror because the hammer was magic. I mean, Evil Queen broke the original mirror to trap them. I remember when this came out and they made it a big thing that there was no Genie as a tribute to Robin because it was right after he passed. I don't get why they make Rumple involved with almost every female villain and it makes his love for Belle feel less genuine. Maybe the one who uses the heart to order someone has to be the one to end it? I though Alice asked Will to stop killing her so maybe not...I really have no excuse for Henry. Henry is honestly becoming the best character on the show lol The Charmings were starting to get a little annoying the last couple seasons tbh, but I think they are back to their best tbh. They are cute. I honestly can see Belle and Zelena going off and living together and raising their babies together and have them becoming besties... I've just given up on Rumple. He's such a complex character...but at the same time I feel like there have been no growth for him. Or at least on the Gold side...for Rumple you can see his descent to madness and then to falling in love and then back to his evilness and it's good...but Gold you just want to punch his face. Rumple and Belle's story of will they or wont they has been overdone and I'm tired. I do know what happens since I have seen the finale of this season and season 7...but right now, this plotline is exhausted and you just don't care anymore.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I want Will to fly in on a giant book and whisk Belle away to the land of Library's where they live happily ever after. With lots of Taco's and Ice cream. And cats.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I'll Be Your Mirror- Thank you once again for another fun reaction for Once Upon a Time, Jessie! So, this episode is pretty good. I enjoy it. However, like in the last several episodes so far this season, there's hardly any Killian in it, This is just one of my first observations after watching this episode for the first time, as well as the rest of the episodes so far this season too. Killian and Emma, or Snow and Charming except for what was shown in the beginning and end. And this episode certainly isn't an episode for True Love either. Although, to be fair... there are other story points that are just as important, such as reminding us all of the kind of hero Henry really is. One... The scenes between Henry and Violet are sweet, and I really like how their relationship... be it a romance or just a close friendship, is developing. And while we see that they both really do like one another, I actually sense that they are more really close friends. And two... I really enjoy the larger storyline between Henry and the Evil Queen for the most part. I appreciate that Henry recognizes her almost straight away, once she says the same words to him that she had said to him once before. About him standing tall and not slouching. Also... I love how Henry tells the Evil Queen that she can't Darth Vader him. Any fans of Star Wars know exactly what this phrase means, and I will say that this season has been a great one for all kinds of movie references, especially from Star Wars. What a great line! I enjoy seeing the Evil Queen try to lure Henry over to her side, even though she's using Regina and Emma, as well as the Dragon against him, by threatening them. And of course, Henry wouldn't crush the Dragon's heart. I also knew that the Dragon wouldn't be dead. It is just brilliant to see Henry outsmart the Evil Queen and use the Hammer of Hephestus... the Greek God known for forging all of the Gods' armor and weapons, including Zeus' lightning bolts... to free his moms by smashing the mirror from the outside, while Emma and Regina draw the Dragon's fire upon the mirror from within. Ultimate teamwork! This is how Regina and Emma are able to escape the Mirror Realm... the world where Sydney remained trapped in so long as he remained trapped in Regina's Magic Mirror. By combining the magic from the Dragon and Hephestus' Hammer together to break the mirror's power long enough for Regina and Emma to escape the realm, but not the Dragon. This storyline overall is a little weak, but for the most part, I do enjoy it. As for Killian within this episode... I am a bit disappointed that he gets knocked unconsciousness so early on in the episode, and remains unconscious throughout its entirety until he suddenly appears again in the end down inside Regina's vault. I didn't expect to see him appear behind the Evil Queen to threaten her, and I really appreciate that he does. It is a nice touch. However, I think this episode could have been just a little bit better if Emma and Regina were released from the mirror out on the beach, and Emma found Killian still unconscious so she could race to his side to heal him. That's just me. Next... Even though I do enjoy the scenes between Belle and Zelena within this episode, I can't help but somewhat hate that Belle comes to Zelena once again in this episode to try to get her help. I love their dialogue back and forth, especially Zelena's snarkiness. I understand that Belle and Zelena do have commonalities, because they're both mothers and because they both know how it feels to be let down by those closest to them. I just don't understand why Belle believes she can trust anything Zelena says or does. However, I don't believe that Zelena is misleading Belle at all, because while Zelena appears to somewhat be more aligned with the Evil Queen right now than with Regina, I do believe she still really wants to prove herself to be good so she can regain a sisterly relationship with Regina again. And of course... Gold once again embraces his evil. And I absolutely hate that he chooses to blame Zelena for his failures, when he is the only one to blame. And he knows it too. Deep down, he knows he's to blame. He's just in such deep denial. I am just so grateful that Zelena was smart enough to make it so that Gold is unable to kill her without him hurting himself too. Which is a fantastic callback to Zelena's return to Once Upon a Time in season four's episode... Heart of Gold, when Zelena taunted him while he remained in the hospital. Absolutely brilliant! I don't exactly understand how this works, because Gold is the Dark One and this makes him immortal. So, if Zelena were to die, I would think that he would still be just fine. Perhaps maybe Gold just can't kill her himself. But even if this is the case, he still can't die. I just don't get it. C'est la vie. And now, the question is... Will she go so far for her own vengeance against our heroes and kill her own sister? Finally... I can't stand that they keep showing Gold making out with the Evil Queen. I know they're just using each other to get what they want, but gross!! And then... I really love the few scenes with Snow and Charming, including the montage we have showing them wake one another and being with their son at different times of day. I even love how they start off acting as though they're okay for a while, until their time alone wears on them and we see them begin to lose hope by the end. It's so sad. Also... I love that Snow quickly realizes that the Evil Queen is watching them through her mirror to look in on their misery with glee, and then smashes her mirror to prevent the Evil Queen from doing so any longer. And lastly... one of my very favorite moments within this episode, if not my very favorite moment within this episode, is the moment towards the end when Aladdin returns to Jasmine after he steals the wand, as well as the Genie's lamp from Gold's shop. Way back in season one, we learn all about Sydney being a genie, and while some fans of this show may actually see him as Genie from the animated DIsney movie... Aladdin, because he is revealed to be from Agrabah, I never have seen him to be Genie. I've always just seen him as a different genie. And we learn in this show's spinoff... Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, that there are multiple genies. With this being said... The reason why this ending scene between Aladdin and Jasmine is my favorite scene in this episode, is because Aladdin talks to Jasmine about the Genie from the lamp that he has stolen from Gold's shop being free. He tells her that he's gone, but free. If you can't tell... This is a beautiful way for the creators and writers of Once Upon a Time to honor Robin WIlliams, who as everyone knows, is the voice of Genie in Aladdin. A very touching tribute to the phenomenal comedian we all love and deeply miss ever since his death way back when. Robin Williams made so many people happy and laugh through his work in his movies over the years, and yet he had a tragic life that we all know so little about. So, I truly love and appreciate this moment. And it's only right that it's Aladdin who talks to Jasmine about his friend. Beautiful! :) Thank you once again for another great reaction for this episode, Jessie! Sincerely, Heidi