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Whelp it happened, I tested positive for covid. I got sick the day after Christmas and was sick for about 3 weeks as you all know. I had taken 3 at home tests during each of the weeks I was sick and they were all negative. I finally felt better last week until Friday when I started to get a really bad head ache out of now where. Yesterday I did my videos (btw just posted The Comeback and the second Violet episode today because Patreon was giving me issues yesterday) and as you can see I was fine during them, but once I took a break I started feeling really off. I immediately laid down and got what I thought was a migraine. It was the worst head pain I have ever felt in my life and I have had to get stitches in my head before from a fall that once occurred. I basically spent the entire rest of the day sleeping and then spent the night in my room with the lights off and the tv playing very low. This morning I found out that Jay experienced the same thing. We didn't know this until the morning because neither of us had come out of our rooms until then lol That's when I figured taking another at home test would be a good idea and low and behold, it was positive. I am assuming that I was originally sick with a cold, got better, and then ended up catching covid because my immune system was weakened at that point.  Thankfully we are both doing a hell of a lot better than yesterday, still just very dizzy and tired, but I can now tolerate light. So, I am going to take today to rest up as much as I can and will hopefully be able to do some videos tomorrow, because laying in bed is getting very boring and Dobbie is also a terrible nurse. Love all of you and I know you will understand, but just so you know whats goign on and why I'm not posting Wynonna Panel today. I hope to be back at it soon! Thanks everyone!


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