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Pushing Daisies S1 E5 Girth Full Reaction.mp4

This is "Pushing Daisies S1 E5 Girth Full Reaction.mp4" by Jessie Masters on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Girth- Yay! Thank you so much for another fabulous reaction for an amazing and fun episode of Pushing Daisies, Jessie! This is of course another fantastic episode. So much fun! And I loved watching your reaction for it like always. It's so wonderful to see someone love this show as I do, and to see so much joy in your face as you continue to love this show. :) I absolutely love learning more about Olive's past, and it's amazing that she used to be a famous horse jockey, until we learn that an apparent tragedy occurred that caused her to immediately retire, while she kept such a big secret along with three other jockeys, two of whom are sadly killed. And I love that it turns out there was no real tragedy at all. Only a psycho mother who was angry with her son's colleagues for ripping his promising career away from him. This overall story is so much fun. I too love the mystery behind John Joseph Jacobs' supposed death, and the story that it is his ghost coming back to kill those who wronged him. I love a good ghost story, even though I am not so much a fan of horror movies. I also love the scenes between Chuck and Olive, and that Olive now understands she can't tell her secret to Chuck's aunts that Chuck is still alive upon beliving that she had faked her death, as Olive and Chuck have grown closer throughout this episode and having come to an understanding between one another. I also really come to love both Lily and Vivan all the more within this episode, especially Vivian after she says those beautiful and kind words to Ned about how wonderful and good he had grown to become in spite of his own sad past involving his scumbag of a father. This is one of my favorite moments within this episode. I love how both aunts in their own way are so good to Ned, and help him upon seeing him feeling so badly about himself because of his father. How could his father just abandon his son like this, and then go off to find another family? It's awful. Thankfully, Ned grows up to be the good man he truly is despite his father. I feel so badly for Ned. He really is such a kind and sweet guy, who deserves to be happy. And his shyness, especially around Chuck makes him adorable. But it's also very sad, because you can see how truly lonely he's been his whole life because his father had abandoned him, as well as because of own secret about being able to bring dead things back to life, and the price of such secrets that have come because of this so called gift. I would totally be in love with Ned if he wasn't just a fictional character. I just love him. I want to give him a hug by the end of every episode. :) And then... we have a kiss between Olive and Ned, who is completely taken aback by it. I suspect he probably is just seeing her kiss to be nothing more than Olive showing him her gratitude for him saving her from being trampled by Jacobs' mom and the horse. But maybe he has begun to realize that Olive just might like him as more than a friend. Who knows? Next... I love the ending between Ned and Chuck as well, when Ned encourages Chuck to dress upas a ghost so she can get closer to her aunts for one brief moment in the only way she can thanks to it being Halloween. So sweet. I love it!! :) And lastly... Emerson is fantastic throughout this episode too. He's just so funny. I love his sarcasm and the banter between him and Ned, and between him and Chuck. Oliive too, of course. Thank you once more, Jessie!! I truly appreciate your continued reactions for Pushing Daisies. It always makes me smile to see you laugh and smile too throughout every episode you watch. You're incredible, dear friend. :) Sincerely, Heidi