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Hey, everyone! There are still a bunch of shows that I need to catch up on and I have a hard time deciding what to watch first because it's all so good to me, so I figured I'd do a poll to see what you all like the most! For example, I LOVE Locke and Key, but that's a show I decided to just do and I am not sure if any of you even watch them lol So vote in the poll, let's see what the consensus is and we can start powering through our favorites! Thanks!



Voted for Bebop. I would need to catch up on all of Rick&Morty or Riverdale first. I also fell off the Marvel train a while ago and still haven´t seen Black Widow and Loki. So no Hawkeye. I´m still interested in Locke and Key, but I also need to watch season 1 first. And the Cowboy Bebop Remake seems like the most stand alone thing on this list.


Gotta catch up with Hawkeye!!!

Melissa Amato

You were having fun with Be Bop, Jessie. 💖🌎💖👩🏻‍🚀🐶