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OUAT S4 E16 Poor Unfortunate Soul Full Reaction.mp4

This is "OUAT S4 E16 Poor Unfortunate Soul Full Reaction.mp4" by Jessie Masters on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Lucile Byrd

Killian was sweet in the past too, he wasn't really a villain the way Regina or Rumple (Noone was on the level of Rumple) was. He turned away from being a sailor and became a pirate, which is just a thief on the seas rather than on land (no one accuses Robin Hood or Will Scarlet of being a villain for being a thief), after his brother died. Then after Rumple killed his love right in front of him and then chopped off his hand, he spent a couple hundred years in Neverland serving Peter Pan while trying to learn how to kill the Dark One. He wasn't a "hero" sure but he wasn't really a villain either.

Melissa Amato

💗👩🏼🧑🏻💗 ☁️✨⛵✨🌙☁️ 💗 👩🏻‍🚀🐶🧚🧜🏽‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️💗

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Poor Unfortunate Soul- Thank you so very much for another marvelous reaction for Once Upon a Time, for season four's episode sixteen titled... Poor Unfortunate Soul, Jessie!! I absolutely love, love, love this episode, and it's one of my all time favorite episodes. Not just from season four and the Queens of Darkness arc, but throughout all of the seasons overall. This episode is so beautiful and I absolutely love it!! Especially for Killian's backstory with Ursula, and for Killian's drive to remain the hero he truly is. Now... my most favorite moment within this episode is the beautiful and heartfelt moment between Killian and Emma when Killian confesses to Emma that she is his happy ending. And I truly appreciate being able to see your emotion that you allow us to see upon you becoming emotional from this moment between these two beloved characters, Jessie. Oh my goodness... so beautiful and heartbreaking. Tears always come to my eyes in this moment as well, no matter how many times I watch it. I just love how Killian admits to Emma the truth about how he nearly loses himself again to the darkness he fears is still inside of him after having been a villain for over two hundred years. And then how he admits to her that he's afraid of losing his happy ending because he was a villain, even fearing that he still is. Like for you... I really love how his storyline throughout this episode absolutely ties into his fear of falling back into the darkness and how it parallels with his storyline within the Frozen arc's episode... The Apprentice, when Killian gets his hand back from Gold and fears he is becoming his old self upon Gold getting inside his head to manipulate him. Absolutely phenomenal! I also love how quick Emma is to assure Killian that he was a villain, and that he's not anymore. Unfortunately, Killian fears that because he was once a villain, and given that the Author and the storybook has rules that they all fear control their fates and destinies in spite of Hook and Regina having become heroes, that it won't be long before he too will lose his happy ending just as Regina has lost Robin. And then his beautiful confession, as he tells Emma she is his happy ending... Wow! This is most definitely one of the most beautiful moments between Killian and Emma throughout this entire show. Not only because Killian is confessing to Emma that he loves her, which he absolutely does, but I deeply love the look on Emma's face the moment he tells her so. It's obvious to us that Killian loves Emma above everyone and everything else, and that she is his happy ending because she has saved him from his villainous side. But to Emma, who has denied her feelings for Killian until season three's finale... There's No Place Like Home, and who could never believe that someone, even Killian, could love her truly and so deeply given her sad and lonely past and her disbelief in herself for so long... it's not so obvious. She's in complete shock as she stares at him in awe, before she snaps out of her daze, then lovingly and tenderly leans in to kiss him, as a single tear slips down her cheek from the corner of her eye while she cries upon hearing his confession. So, so beautiful! And for Emma, after having been alone all her life and believing no one could ever really love her, at least not more than Neal could as much as he was able to... Killian loves her so much more and Emma finally really sees just how much Killian really would sacrifice for her. Phenomenal!! I could easily go on and on about this one scene, but... it's time to move on. Unfortunately, Gold is now threatening Emma upon the revelation that he has plans to turn Emma's heart to darkness, and should he succeed in doing so, not only would this be very bad for all our heroes, but it would also mean that Killian's fear of losing his happy ending... of losing Emma, would come to pass. And because Killian knows the fear of slipping back into the darkness like we saw from him and learned from him in his confession to Emma, he is all the more worried for Emma. He understands this fear and darkness' pull better than everyone. So, so sad. Now... I absolutely love the overall backstory between Captain Hook and a much younger Ursula before she becomes the Sea Witch and villainess she is until the end of this episode. And I absolutely love how well this backstory parallels perfectly to our present day storyline, as Killian works with Ursula so he can return her own happy ending, in exchange for the truth about all of Gold's plans, which I will get back to in a moment... In the backstory, we meet a younger Ursula, who was once a mermaid, with a beautiful and powerful singing voice that has the power to soothe even the darkest of souls to help give them peace for a brief moment like she is able to do for Hook, as well as the power to destroy, as her singing voice can lure sailors and men to their deaths. And in the beginning, we see Ursula nearly cause the Jolly Roger to crash into the rocks, until she stops singing in order to spare Hook's and the rest of his men's lives, because she no longer wishes to use her voice to kill as her father wishes for her to do. Also... Ursula's father happens to be Poseidon, God of the Seas and incredibly powerful in his own right, given that he is one of the most powerful of Gods within Greek Mythology. And I really love Once Upon a Time's take on Poseidon, as well as the casting for him, as he is played by Ernie Hudson. Love it! Next... when we hear Ursula singing in the tavern before Hook confronts her, she is singing a song titled... Fathoms Below, which is one of the most beautiful and powerful songs from Disney's... The Little Mermaid, sung in the very beginning of the movie by Prince Eric's crewmen aboard their ship. Then, when her father later returns her voice to her, and when Hook steals her singing voice... Ursula sings the same music that Ariel sings when Ursula steals her voice in the Disney movie as well. Plus... Hook also offers to take Ursula to Glower Haven, which in he Disney movie, is where Prince Eric and his shipman are returning home from in the beginnning of the movie after they travel there to find Eric a prospect for marriage. I really absolutely love all of the ties ins to The Little Mermaid, as well as into Pinocchio too, which I will talk about again in a bit. But The Little Mermaid is one of my all time favorite Disney movies because it's just so beautiful, the song and its music is powerful and beautiful, and I love all of its characters. But first... I love how after Hook agrees to take Ursula to wherever she wishes to go because she spared his ship, as well as his and his men's lives, that Poseidon comes to Hook upon abducting him and dragging him back to his own ship long enough for them to have a talk about Ursula, then makes a deal with him as he asks Hook to steal Ursula's singing voice in order to show her how evil all humans can be so she will want to return home, in exchange for squid ink that is powerful enough for Hook to be able to trap all magical beings including one as powerful as Rumplestiltskin so that he can finally have his revenge. However, I love how Hook goes against Poseidon and tells Ursula everything about what her father asked him to do to her. Yes... Hook shows he still has good in his heart even when he was still a villain. He truly did want to help her, as he was truly grateful to Ursula for helping him find that brief moment of peace from his pain. I absolutely love this side of Hook. And that we are shown that even as the villain he used to be, the good man in him was never fully gone like the good woman within Regina was when she became the Evil Queen. Killian was just so lost and he had become a broken man. The emotion Hook/Killian shows throughout his backstory in this episode is absolutely beautiful. Colin O'Donoghue is a phenomenal actor for being able to show such emotion, and I love him for it. And I love seeing the villainous side of Captain Hook again as well, and that his actions are completely unpredictable. Unfortunately, Poseidon takes back the squid ink when Hook continues to help Ursula to escape. And what's worse... this one small act causes Hook to go against his word to Ursula, as he steals her singing voice. Not to punish her because deep down, he never wanted to hurt her, but to punish her father. Because now... he no longer has her voice he can use as a weapon against his enemies, and he also loses his daughter to her own darkness as she has come to hate her father for hurting her so deeply. Sadly, you can also see his remorse and regret in his eyes that he feels from hurting her though. Nonetheless... I absolutely love how fearless Hook is when he stands up to Poseidon, even though he is powerless against the God. And I love that while he has no magic, Hook is able to outsmart Poseidon, as he threatens to crush the shell now containing Ursula's voice, unless Poseidon leaves his ship. Brilliant!!! This scene between Hook, Poseidon, and Ursula is another of my favorite scenes throughout this episode too. Now, back to the present day storyline... I also really like the side storyline between the villains as they torture August in a twisted and cruel attempt to convince him to tell them where to find the Author. It's sad, but I love seeing August again, just as Emma tells him later on. And as for the idea behind Gold's potion to make August's nose grow with every lie he tells, bringing about this detail from the Disney movie, Pinocchio... I really applaud the idea. I like it a lot. I think it's all definitely a clever idea, especially so the villains can use this as a torture method to get what they want from him. I love the brief moment when Regina reveals to Snow, Charming, Emma, and Killian that Gold is back and that August is back to his old self again, through her magic that enters Mary Margaret's body so she can speak through her friend. Smart, and funny, and I love the dark look on Killian's face in that moment, and the anger he shows upon learning from Belle that Gold now has the dagger as well. Also... Ginnifer is brilliantly able to lip sync with Regina's lines perfectly. Fantastic! Now... I love how Killian reveals to Emma and the others that he had stolen Ursula's happy ending and that he believes he can return it to her. I love how he enlists Ursula so he can return her happy ending and gain back the Jolly Roger through Ursula's magic, given that her singing voice is aboard his ship and locked away within his safe. Also... I love that Killian is able to gain back the Jolly Roger through Ursula's power as the Sea Witch, and I love how we learn that Black Beard lost the Jolly Roger to Elsa in Arendelle in consequence of him helping Hans and nearly killing Anna and Kristoff during the events shown in the Frozen arc's episode titled... Fall, and that it is somehow her magic that trapped the ship inside a bottle. Unfortunately for Killian, Ursula is still unable to free her voice from the shell where it's been trapped for so long, so in punishment for him failing to help her and for threatening her, Ursula renders him unconscious by striking him down by her tentacles, then throws him overboard. And then... Ariel makes an appearance! Yay!! I love, love, love seeing Ariel again as she saves Killian from drowning. I also love how Ariel slaps Hook once again like she had done twice before for turning against her by trying to kill Black Beard before the pirate could tell her where Eric was, bringing us back to season three's episode... The Jolly Roger. And I love how Killian asks Ariel for her help to go find Poseidon so she can bring him back to Storybrooke through a portal, so he can reunite Ursula with her father, who Killian comes to realize is the only one who can release her voice from the shell. I love this cute and sad scene between Killian and Ariel, and I love how Killian succeeds in reuniting Ursula with her father, and that because of him, they are able to forgive one another and be together again. I love that Killian succeeds in giving Ursula back her happy ending, and that her happy ending isn't just gaining her mother's voice back, but is also being together with her father again. Beautiful! And this shows that perhaps the Author's magic within the storybook doesn't necessarily dictate what is to become of either hero or villain. Or at least that their futures aren't set in stone and so final. Anything is possible. :) Finally... I love the moment in the end between Killian and Ursula, as Ursula holds up her end of the deal and shockingly reveals that Gold's plans involve trying to permanently darken Emma's heart, and that it's because of her that the Author cannot restore the villains' happy endings, or anyone else's, given that Emma is the Savior and is the one who has restored everyone else's happy endings. Gold's plans are fantastic, and I can't wait for you to see all that's to come!! :) This episode's entire backstory is phenomenal. I absolutely love it!!! This backstory between Hook, Ursula, and Poseidon, and Ursula's present day storyline with Killian is why I love Ursula... not just as a villainess, but as a character overall. And it is really sad that we appear to have lost her as a character now that she's earned back her happy ending. I just really love her and I love her story. I love how Ursula's grief causes her to steal her father's trident long enough to transform herself into the Sea Witch of old, as the power gains her eight hands in tentacle form once she loses her mermaid tail. Fantastic!! And lastly... I absolutely love the end scene between Emma, August, Henry, and Regina... as August reveals that the Author isn't trapped inside an actual door, but that he's trapped within the door drawn in the page from Henry's storybook. What a fantastic twist! Thank you again so much, Jessie!! I am so happy you really loved this episode so much like I do too! And I can't wait for more!! So until then... Stay well, and be happy, dear friend! :) Sincerely, Heidi

Melissa Amato

Thank you Jessie. 👩🏻🐶💗🌎💗 Killian it seems is always trying to make up for his past missteps. But Rumple is true to the Darkone. Even Regina is determined to be better, for others, especially Henry. Snowy & Charming keep trying to keep Emma in the right direction, but they have lied to her, & it isn't easy knowing what they know, & now Hook fears losing his Emma again, when Gold took his heart, after Emma didn't step in the room, he set his trap for her., With the Sorrcers hat✨⭐👐🏻⭐✨ That's why Emma reaffirms, the reason that Killian would take the Dagger & stab Gold with it to stop him. & Snow & Charming are fearing Emma telling them that Hook wouldn't do it, but that doesn't mean Emma wouldn't given, that Gold nearly tricked her, & a Hazzard of their Fairytail kind, taken Killian's Heart, in order to separate himself from the Dagger, & Belle putting everything right, again till Rumple had slithered back into Towne. Once more a threat to Emma, & Killian, as well as Snow & Charming, worried about Emma. & after Ursula kept her word, & let Killian know what the Darkone plans for her. His fears realized, his Love for Emma nearly crushing the very heart Gold had in his grasp, Killian dying inside, at the thought his sweet Emma, could still be victim of the Darkone's evil plan... He Bares his feelings to her. Letting her know that he was a Villian, but Emma is his happy ever after. CS Kissage is tender, & so endearing. Their Love & Killian's caring, & thoughtfulness, get's to Emma. They both know each other so well.

Melissa Amato

Too bad not all men have loyalty, or warmth in their hearts, as Killian does for Emma. 💗 ⛰️⛵🌅⛰️ 💗👩🏼🧑🏻💗 Love Captivating Captain Killian, & Emma Swan. They are just perfectly imperfect. 💗🤘🏼Jessie. & Can't wait to see Thee Evil Queen's Apple mug you got. 🍎🍄💖🍄🍎🍄💖🍄🍎

Melissa Amato

Take care, & stay well. Blessings sent. A Tornado warning came this morning, at 3am. But I had faith & Blessed everyone, the storm would pass. We are fine, I just hope that everyone else is as well. See you later Jessie. Thank you again.✨👩🏻‍🚀🐶🤘🏼✨💗

Malachi Fuimaono

Oooooh the next few episodes are crazy 👀👀🙌🏼 Get ready

Sarah Bruce

So I'm usually the worst about commenting, but I just found your channel a few days ago and have been binge watching all of your OUAT reactions so I just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed them! It's a show that's very dear to my heart and it's been a while since I've found a reactor I liked watching this much, so thank you for that. I'll definitely be sticking around for the rest of the show and I'm very much looking forward to your reactions for the rest of this season ❤️


totally forgot to comment again lol. i loved this reaction and can’t wait for your upcoming ones!! i love the next couple episodes up to the end of the season (and the following seasons of course.) there’s so much more for you to find out about, and i can’t wait!! thank you!! ❤️

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Thank you so much! That truly means a lot because I know that feeling when you find a reactor that appreciates the content as much as you. I'm glad I can provide that for you! Keep the comments flowing, we're all obsessive Oncers here! lol You can always feel free to send me a private message to, no worries!

Melissa Amato

Just read your kind message Jessie, Thank you, so much Sweetie. We're better. Luckily, Hopefully you are as well.

Melissa Amato

Loved the Apple mug. & saw your Nightmare B⁴ Christmas mug, I have a great one too. It's Black with Jacks head. I think you would like it.💖🌎💖👩🏻‍🚀🐶 Lei & CC. 💖


Honestly, this and Cruella's episode are probably my favorite of the season. Belle really needs a hug. Is it bad I kind of ship Hook and Ursula? And yay, Will actually gets some screen time lol Poseidon was using Ursula's voice to sink ships out of vengeance, so hook took the voice so he didn't have that power anymore in the same way the King took the squid ink away from Hook. Hook was upset that it was taken from him so he tried to even the board, even though it was what the sea king actually wanted. That Captain Swan moment is probably my favorite up to this point. The tears in their eyes and his disbelief. I think watching this with you has made me more of a Captain Swan shipper. It wasn't my favorite ship when it was airing, but I'm starting to like it more. DUN DUN DUNNNN! What a twist lol I seriously hate Rumple this season.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

This and Cruella's episodes are definitely in my top favorites for this season. I love that they incorporated those characters!