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2021-05-06 19-42-09.mp4

This is "2021-05-06 19-42-09.mp4" by Jessie Masters on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Melissa Amato

I love this Episode. I adore Hojay who played Hurley from Lost & Emma was grabbing Astro bars, in the Convenience store, from Lost. The Victors get to tell the tales. Which why some people only hear & see what they want, not most of the time what really happened, or what is.

Melissa Amato

Hook, poor Hook.??¿ 💗🌬️🌊🌊🧑🏻⚓💗Left out in the cold... "What are you doing?Your Sorry, Your Sorry¿! Swan, Swan¿? ✨👁️ 👁️☄️🌊⚓🌊🙆🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🙍🏻‍♀️⚓🙍🏻‍♂️☠️❄️❄️❄️

Paul Fisher

Yes, Emma's pregnancy in the store was fake. At the end of the scene, when they got to the car, you could see she pulled a backpack out from under her dress. She had been hiding the stolen items in the backpack over her stomach, pretending to be pregnant. But it was yet another example of how the writers love foreshadowing. Now that we've seen Henry is having nightmares, we see there was also foreshadowing in the previous few episodes. They were easy to miss but there were several passing references in those episodes to Henry not sleeping well and not wanting to sleep. Now we know why. You asked whether or not we will see Neverland at some point in the future. I could say something about that without revealing any other plot developments or timing but since even knowing whether the answer is "yes" or "no" could be considered a spoiler, I won't say either way unless you confirm that you really do want an answer.


It’s so fun watching you puzzle everything out - much more excitement to come with the storylines started in this episode 🙂


This is a really interesting story. I really love the Emma centric flashbacks because you can see how her past shaped her to be who she is now. Honestly, I love every character in this episode because they show a lot of who the characters are in this episode. Even Snow being motherly to Aurora was great. It's interesting that Aurora said "he" and Henry said "she," I wonder if they are seeing the same person or not? <_<


Agreed - a very interesting episode! And it is so nice to see Snow being motherly 🙂 I might consider editing out the last paragraph of your comment so that Jessie can figure that out for herself. I bet she will pretty quickly!


One parralel I enjoy from this episode: Neal jumping up in the back of the car in the intro is exactly the same thing Henry did back in 1x04, the exact same episode that Regina mentioned Tallahassee.


I like that you picked up on Emma being somewhat accepting of Hook's flirting, and possibly flirting back a little bit herself. I noticed the same tiny spark between them while reacting to this episode myself, and between Neal and Hook I came to the conclusion that Emma clearly has a type. She likes the scruffy bad boys! Also, what I love about Hook is that he's no psychopath like Cora. He's nothing evil. He just wants to avenge his true love (though from our perspective she was a bitch lol), and he'll go along with whomever he thinks will offer him the safest route. For a pirate, he's pretty frank and honest when he wants to be. You could tell that Emma's betrayal came as a shock to his system, and I did feel pretty bad for him. Sadly, Emma's past experiences colored her decision. The key detail is that Emma expressed a worry that she's WRONG about Hook. This means that she DOES currently look at him positively, and she's scared of having her trust betrayed again. So sad, but so well done. I love the interactions between them.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I definitely agree! Seeing who Emma was and knowing that she wasn’t always this tough bad ass was very refreshing and interesting to see. That’s also a great point, the mother in snow coming out when seeing somebody hurt was beautiful! Did Aurora say he? I missed that! I know Henry said she and obviously the two dreams are definitely tied together. I can’t wait to find out why! For some reason I feel my brain is going towards the Cheshire Cat, but I don’t think it has to do with wonderland because they already did that.

Melissa Amato

I loved Lost too. & Buffy as well. & I think it's great that there are Buffy Writers, & Lost Writers, together working on my fav show of all time. There combined efforts made the Characters so as loved, & special, as the Actors who played them. & I Know not everything goes according to the way we Oncer's would want them too all the time. But that's what makes it exciting, different, & Amazing. We don't watch out favorite Characters, tales play out because we wanted them to. We watched Because we love the mystery, of both the plot stories, & are Characters Personalities we try & see us in these absolutely incredible fairy tale people. & We love them & want to quest along on they're journey's because they feel, & think, make us laugh, get flustered, frustrated. More** We adore them we want to care about them. Even be with them. Because Oncers know how unique each of them are. The Actors abilities to keep up with the furied pacing of the scripts, & still being able to create. Making the world actually work. That said, MY POOR CAPTAIN HOOK IS LEFT DANGLING ON A HOOK, WITH A VENGEFUL GIANT ON THE LOOSE! EMMA IS SO MESSED UP, I LOVE HER ADORE HER, BUT BITCH, PLEASE THAT WASN'T GOOD FORM. HE DIDN'T PROVE HE WAS A VILLAIN TO YOU, ONLY RUMPLESTILKIN, & I ADORE HIM TOO, BUT COMMON HE KILLED A WOMAN, THAT HE CARED FOR, WHEN THE DARKONE DIDN'T ANYMORE, & HE ALSO TOOK HIS BEAUTIFUL HAND, THAT HE CAN'T JUST GROW BACK. SO YEAH, BIT IMPLUSIVE, IS FRIENDS, OR CORA'S BOY TOY, TRUTH BE TOLD. PET PIRATE... 🙍🏻‍♂️⚓☠️🃏 SHE'S PROBABLY GOING TO BE VEXED... WHEN SHE FINDS OUT. HE'S BEEN A BAD BOY. 🧙🏼‍♀️"TISK, What were you doing?¿" 👁️ 👁️☠️⚓☠️⚓☠️⚓☠️⚓☠️ Yeah, Hook, Line & Sinker. Cora hates the whole Enchanted bunch, boy did he F***Up... I really think he liked Emma. But she can't like him, Neal Neal Neal that dude will forever be on her mind, & Henry has no clue that his father was a thief like Emma was. & She only thinks Neal whom she trusted & loved, enough to steal watches for him. Only to have Auggy, come & F** him up enough to, make him leave her. Hook, only reminded poor Emma of a bad relationship she had. Of course she still could have let him come along, he knows a lot, & she could have said Hook, we just got to get back home, to my son, I don't know about your Vengeance thing, but we all have a reason to make it back there. Hook, despite all his Cheeky Qualities, I'm sure even he could have understood that sense. Better then doing him wrong, & dirty, Emma¿ I think she needs to have a session with a sweet Cricket, if she & Co. Can get back to Storybrooke¿?

Melissa Amato

& I wish Charlie could have been in the Cast, he was besides Hojay, so dear. I miss that Merry lil Hobbit. 🧙🏼‍♀️😳 😏Hah, I just got that, what a connection, that would be¿.🙃🤭 Jessie are you going to React to season 1- 2 on Blooper Cast reels? after Seasons of OUAT💗 Cause some of them are Soo funny¿? & The Cast were so silly, & under that over time, working high, when you can't stop giggling, & everyone & everything goes wrong, & pear shaped altho maybe hexa Gon too.💗🌎💗🤦🏻‍♀️👩🏻🐶💗

Paul Fisher

I should apologize that so much of my comment was redundant. My screen didn't update the comments at the end of the video, so when I typed it I didn't see that other folks had already commented. But I will add a new comment about Neverland since the subject has already been discussed. Remember when you talked about what was visible through the window in the previous episode? In the final scene of this episode we saw Henry asleep just before he woke up from the nightmare. If you look closely, you'll see there are two stars visible through the window behind Henry's bed. I couldn't find a picture on the internet to illustrate this but the arrangement of that scene was a copy of a scene in Disney's original Peter Pan. The original scene in Peter Pan showed one of the children in bed with two stars visible through a window in the background. In both the Peter Pan scene and the OUAT scene, the two stars are in the same positions, suggesting the phrase from Peter Pan, "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning."


When they were in the store and got caught stealing by another costumer and Emma faked that her waters broke, they ran out. And before Emma gets in the car she opens her legs and you see that the baby bump was a bag. So it was fake indeed xD. She found out she was pregnant when she was in jail. Neal told August to give Emma the car AND the money he got from the stolen watches. But she only got the car. August kept the money. Love your reactions as always !

Melissa Amato

@Luffyiscool Killian, is such a happy cute puppy, when he looks at Emma, with that blue eyed anticipation, right after he cleaned, & wrapped, that lace thingy, & took & tied her hand with his very pretty mouth, as sexy & grinned at her, yeah he's all Pirate. & Puppy.🐕 I would no matter what, done that sweet puppy that way. Even Mary(Snow ) 🤷🏻‍♀️Asks her where's Hook ¿? "He was detained?!" Ohh B please, not every guy is like Neal, & do what Pinocchio,tells him no matter what is in a boX to make him. DON'T play Killian, that way, he didn't deserve that. 😳⚓He cleaned, & wrapped her 🧑🏻boo boo, she left him to a giant, who almost Crushed her?! Hook was crushed anyway, after Emma jumped ship, & threw him a anchor? ⚓Wh***the F**" Emma?🌬️🙍🏻‍♂️☠️. 🌊 🌊?🙎🏼‍♀️⛈️🌩️⛈️😣¿?? ☠️⚓☠️ Gf.B tripping 💗🌎💗🙍🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🐕⚓

Melissa Amato

Yeah, I caught that too!! Good ol Auggy, took the money, said Emma won't need it where she's going. What liar to Boston¿?! GEEZE. F**What Jerk$. 🤥& Neal 🤡🔥Too. Boy most Oncers like him, I Didn't.💗🌎💗✨🌙🌙🤷🏻‍♀️🐕💗 🍄🎩🍄✨🌙🌙☠️

Melissa Amato

Guess there be bumpy seas ahead... 🌬️🌊🌊⛈️🌊⛵⚓🐙☠️🐙🙍🏻‍♂️


Yes! I like August but this episode made me very disappointed in him. And i do like Neal. He really wants to help her. But its not like he is one of my favorites or anything. But he is a good character. A good 'main' one. And a good actor!

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

That’s exactly why I like Hook too! He may make deals with crazy people, but he does tend to throw his cards on the table. I’m excited to see more interactions with them, especially him confronting her leaving him lol


And, with Emma in jail for 11 months, that's 11 months that August doesn't have to deal with her. There is a reason why he's still wood! He was a VERY bad boy!


I don't think Hook is used to women standing up to him, which is why Emma is a bit of a shock to his system, but despite his "honor code", he does walk a very fine line of villainy and revenge and isn't quite deserving of too much praise (at least not quite yet). He has spent a few hundred years doing nothing but trying to figure out how to kill Rumple, and that tends to drive one a bit crazy. His mean streak can be right on par with Cora and Regina's, he just typically feels guilty afterwards (and he is BRILLIANT at playing that in his eyes), but most of the time, the damage is already done. The question is (as always), how much can one forgive? Another great reaction! Just a warning, every single reactor gets overly excited about the box and every single one ends up really disappointed. You technically already know what's in the box...go from there (but still don't get your hopes up for an exciting reveal). It used to break my heart to see reactors get all upset over the box, but now I expect it and get a bit miffed. Maybe because I'm old enough to have had one of those in a box at one point in my life and it brings back happy memories for me.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I’m so excited to get to know him more and happy that they introduced a different kind of villain! I’m definitely intrigued by what’s in the box, so thank you for telling me that otherwise I would’ve obsessed over it lol


I have two life-size cutouts of characters in my Disney room....Hook and Charming, so he definitely has a way with those eyes (and brows) of his! I would have a Fitz of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. if they made them, but alas.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Tallahassee- I love this episode so much, so thank you for another fun reaction! Of course you can probably guess, that my favorite scenes throughout this episode are between Emma and Hook, given that they are my favorite characters, which I've mentioned more than once already. I just absolutely love these two characters. :) Also... I love this episode because it answers so many questions in regards to Emma's past, and there are so many brilliant connections that I really love. First and foremost... I just love Hook's and Emma's banter, Hook's cheekiness towards Emma, and how he always flirts with her. Although, he doesn't just flirt with Emma, but he flirts with all women including Mary Margaret, Aurora, and Mulan too. However, it's clear in this episode that Hook is far more intrigued by and is interested in Emma like he indicates when it's decided she's the one going with Hook up the beanstalk, and he states to her, "I hoped it'd be you.", when Emma comes over to him so he can place the magic cuff on her wrist. He also tries to learn more about Emma as they're climbing the beanstalk together because he genuinely appears to want to get to know who she really is. And I love it! I love, love, love Hook... like I've mentioned a number of times. :) One of my favorite scenes in this episode... is the moment Hook and Emma share as he's helping her by disinfecting her wound with his rum and by wrapping a rag around her bloodied injured hand. He's totally flirting with her, all the while helping to protect her from the legends he knows about the giants smelling blood and of them being dastardly and evil. I especially love when Emma notices his tattoo and calls him out on his real reason for wanting to kill Rumplestiltskin... for him having killed Milah. Such a beautiful moment between these two. Also... Killian did steal Milah away from Rumple and while it was wrong of him to have an affair and to be willing to take her away from her husband and son, Milah was the one who left them, having willingly left with Killian because they loved one another. I feel that the fault for what happened to Milah was her own, and Rumplestiltskin's. Killian wasn't to blame. You can't always help who you fall in love with. Another of my absolute favorite moments is when Emma and Hook are climbing the beanstalk, when Hook reveals he can read the look of loss and lack of love on her face, because he had lived among the Lost Boys in Neverland for centuries and he understands the reasons for their despair as well. Both Emma and Hook are very perceptive characters, which makes them an amazing team... just like Hook tells Emma. And in regards to the reasons for Hook and Emma needing to wear the magical cuffs so they can climb the beanstalk... Hook tells the women that the beanstalk has a protection spell surrounding it, keeping any intruders from climbing up to the giants' castle to try to steal the giants' gold and treasures. The cuffs Hook steals from Cora allow for him and Emma, as they would have allowed for him and Cora had they been the ones to go after the compass as was originally planned, to climb the beanstalk against the magic protecting it. Now... I understand why Emma locks Hook's wrist in the shackle in order to force him to stay behind long enough to give her and her mother and their friends a head start. Because she doesn't trust him, especially given the circumstances of her past in regards to Neal, as well as from her parents all abandoning her, and seeing Hook only as a villain. It makes sense that she would be especially skeptical of Hook and his true motives. However, I was just so disappointed too, because I really would have loved to see where things went from there on out between the women and Hook had he continued on with them on their journey. In my eyes, Hook truly appears to be genuine in his desire to help them in spite of him being a pirate, and I believe he was telling the truth. Which is why he was so hurt that Emma would abandon him up there, especially believing the giant would kill him. Sadly, Emma could only see him as a pirate out for himself though and she is desperate to get home to her son. And now... Hook is angry all right. I really feel the chemistry between Hook and Emma, and especially with the actors who play them... Colin O'Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison, is absolutely fantastic!! They both play off one another so well. Next... I also really like the scene in the very end with David and Henry, as David lights the candle for his grandson to catch Henry's nightmares like he used to do for Snow. It's so sweet. And the parallel between this scene and Aurora having the same nightmares in the Enchanted Forest is fantastic as well. As are the parallels between Emma and Hook, with Emma and Neal eleven years ago, given that Emma and Neal were once thieves, and now Emma is once again stealing something from someone else along with Hook. Now... I am thrilled to see August again in the flashbacks with Neal and I really like this scene with them, even though I don't really care much for Neal as an overall character. I think he and Emma have good chemistry, but I don't like that they were both thieves and that Neal didn't really do much to encourage her away from going down the wrong path. Not really. To be fair... he was the first of them to suggest he and Emma go clean once they make their way to Tallahassee so they can settle down, but they were still going about trying to get there the wrong way. Once again, I do love the parallels between Emma being in love with Neal and them thieving together, while Emma also seems to feel an attraction towards Hook, who is a pirate and known thief as well. You can see there is a genuine draw she feels towards Hook. From when they're climbing up the beanstalk together as Hook convinces her to talk with him about her having been abandoned and being an open book, them both having been in love in their pasts and losing their loves, to them both learning to put their trust in one another. Emma does feel there's more to Hook, but out of fear to trust him more fully, Emma makes a last minute decision in the moment she and Hook are looking at one another, just before she chooses to lock his wrist in the shackle. Emma doesn't just go along with his flirtations. A part of her is definitely attracted to him, while the other part of her... the more sensible part of her, pushes him away because she can't choose to trust him out of fear of him possibly betraying her first. But with all that being said... I love August and I really wanted to see him more in the present day in Storybrooke upon seeing him make an appearance within Emma's backstory. But it is brilliant to have him come back into the show's story here in this moment nonetheless, to show us the reason why Emma is all alone when she first comes into the story and arrives in Storybrooke, why she was in prison when Henry was born as is revealed back in season one's second episode... The Thing You Love Most, why Emma is so angry with Henry's father revealed by Emma to Mary Margaret in season one's episode... True North, and why he isn't involved in her life or even knows about Henry just like she states to Regina in the Pilot episode. For me... it's so much better with August being the reason for Neal abandoning her, rather than Neal simply abandoning her for the watches like I initially speculated might have been what happened while watching this episode for the first time, before August makes his appearance. It makes their past together that much more intriguing for me. And I love how August convinces Neal to listen to him and to leave Emma, which eventually allows for Emma to change her ways and to stop thieving, then for her to eventually find her way to Storybrooke thanks to Henry having to come find her. I wished then that we could have found out what August reveals to Neal inside that box. But yet I love this mystery too. Anyone would naturally think August is crazy for going on about magic and such as he does. Yet Neal quickly comes to believe him nonetheless. And it all depends on what's hidden within that box. :) It's just sad learning all that Emma had to go through, with being abandoned by the man she loved when he turned her in, and she becomes imprisoned, and worse... upon her having Henry in prison too. I can't even imagine how difficult her life had been back then. She wasn't innocent in the crimes that landed her in jail, but she didn't deserve that kind of pain. And while Neal did do right by Emma, she doesn't know that. So her anger towards him is absolutely understandable. So sad. And all of this of course explains why she felt she had to give Henry up for adoption. So he could have a better life she couldn't offer him. Not so long as she remained in prison, then would eventually have to build a new life for herself upon her release, with her time in prison hanging over her head. Emma wanted what was better for her son, so she could give him his best chance, as is shared way back in the Pilot episode as well. Emma's past is so sad, but I absolutely love learning more about her. And as for August being there in the first place... August tells Emma that it wasn't until his own arrival in Storybrooke that he finally found her again. However, Tallahassee reveals to us that over the years, he never completely forgets his promise to his father that he would take care of Emma and make sure she comes to Storybrooke upon turning twenty-eight so she can break the curse. And therefore, he had been searching for her within the past years as well. Unfortunately, the temptation of the money Neal gives to him for her was too much of a temptation for August. And August does tell Neal he's not very good at ignoring the temptations he comes across because he isn't built that way... a nod to the reveal of August really being Pinocchio, which I love. It is subtlety revealed in the end of this episode that he steels the money Neal had gotten from fencing the stolen watches, and then strays from trying to help Emma once again. And back in season one's episode, The Stranger... when he tells Emma he got a painful reminder at 815 AM in Phuket, which is at 815 PM in Storybrooke upon Emma's first arrival in Storybrooke, while he was living on the island of Phuket as he started to become wood again... it's because he lost track of Emma once again after stealing this money. Phuket is the name August wrote down for the cops when he sends Emma the keys for her yellow bug, yet no money like Neal asked him to do for her, as is revealed in the end scene when the guard shows Emma what she'd be getting when she is released from prison. So we know then that August had stolen the money, and had started living in Phuket not long after he left Neal in this episode, and where he had been living when he started becoming wood again as he revealed to Emma back in The Stranger. I love all of the great parallels to past episodes in this one! Next... I also like the moment with Mary Margaret helping Aurora to sleep like David did for her when she had nightmares, even without the candle. I like how very motherly she is for Aurora while her own daughter is busy trying to get the compass with Hook. I also really like how Emma asks Mulan to be the one to cut the beanstalk down in case she didn't return in ten hours. Because she knows her mother would never agree. And I love even more how Mary Margaret fights Mulan to protect her daughter when Mulan starts to cut it down with her enchanted sword, and the moment afterwards between Emma and Mary Margaret as her mother pleads with her daughter never to ask something like that of Mulan again, because they need to return home together. So beautiful. :) And lastly... I really love the giant we meet in this episode and especially how he reveals that the victors were the ones to tell the stories their way, to make all people believe giants were evil, when in fact none of it is true. This giant isn't evil at all. Just lonely, misunderstood, and sad after there had been a great battle between the giants and humans that wound up killing all the rest of his family. The special effects for the giant might not be so great, but I really like this overall storyline with him and I like the actor who plays him a lot too. Jorge Garcia, who I know and love from another TV show... Hawaii Five-0. I never watched Lost because I never had any interest in it, but I also know he's from that show as well, which is pretty cool. But I am always able to look past all of the special effects when they appear to be bad, because I appreciate this show so much and I absolutely love the stories that this show's creators, writers, and especially the actors are trying to tell. :) Overall... I really love this episode so much and it is definitely one of my overall favorite episodes throughout season two. And I'm so happy you're loved this episode so much! Especially that you're continuing to love Hook so much too!! Thank you again, so much for reacting to Once Upon a Time, Jessie!!!! Be well and be happy. :) Until next time, my friend... Sincerely, Heidi


This is my favorite episode, well, one of them. 😊