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Once Upon A Time S1 E18 The Stable Boy



ahh we made it to episode 18!! i’m just going to let you know that we will find out august’s identity soon, so don’t worry too much about figuring it out. it’s coming 😉 and you are 100% right. this show throws out hints and clues to who he is quite a bit, but you probably won’t see those hints until you know who he is. as i’m watching your reactions, i notice the little things here and there and think about how obvious it was! alrighty i said i’d give you a rant when you got to this episode so here it is. regina...snow was a child!! she was trying to help you! she had good intentions the entire time and it was your mother who killed him! i know you weren’t there when snow and your mom had the conversation, but that’s what happened! during your reaction you noticed that that actress who plays young snow was really good. i watched a recent live from instagram with her, josh dallas, and ginnifer goodwin, and she explained that she was a big fan of ginnifer before she got the call to be on the show, and that when she found out she was going to play young snow, she went and studied her facial expressions and worked really hard to look as much like snow as possible. and i agree, she’s a great actress!! i’m super excited for the next episode!! and as you mentioned in the beginning, i hope today is a much better day than yesterday. and telling yourself that no matter what, today will be a good day, is a great start :) and of course beginning it with ouat is awesome as well lol. see you for episode 19!


Great reaction! Love this episode and what you had to say about it! Regina seems to misplace her anger and direct it toward snow Because she’s an easier target than her mother who is extremely powerful. Even though Daniel’s death is Cora’s fault Regina is still scared of her. Its definitely not right and snow was just a kid who didn’t know what she was doing, but Regina was also still a kid in my opinion as she was only 18 when this all happened. In episodes to come you do learn a bit more about Regina before she goes full evil queen which I’m exited for you to see. Also Regarding her powers, you’ll learn how she got them soon :). super exited for your reaction to ep 19 it’s another great one that for sure!

Malachi Fuimaono

You’ll get to see more into Reginas past in the second season!:) and power wise, they haven’t exactly told us yet where she got them. The convo she had with Maleficent was more on obtaining that curse that she had which was in her orb.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I can’t wait to find out who mystery man is!! I’m still going to do some detective work and try to figure it out first though LOL I completely agree, Regina needs to separate the fact that she was a child who didn’t know any better and was also dealing with the loss of her own mother from what she believes to be deceitful. I can’t wait to see what happens to Regina‘s mom! That little girl is so good! The way she even made her mouth into a firm line when she is upset, I swear it was like an actual mini version of her. Thank you so much❤️I knew it was the best why I could start the day and it definitely helped a lot!

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Thanks for watching!! And yes, I think you’re exactly right! She can’t be angry at her mother because she knows her mother will overpower her, so she chooses to attack the weaker target instead. She went for the reason for the kill happening instead of the actual person who committed the kill. But that’s also true, Regina was very young and was at a very fragile and vulnerable state considering what had just happened! The whole thing was just a big fat mess, but now we know who the true evil doer is that started at all, Cora!

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Aha yes! The whole reason for the orb was to make the curse and create StoryBrooke, it was so long ago I forgot exactly what was said and if they had said something about the powers lol I have so many theories on Regina‘s mom and cannot wait to see the rest of her backstory! Thanks!


So fun to see your reaction to this one! More is coming on how Regina got her powers, so no spoilers 🙂. I think Regina is a classic case of misplaced blame. Her mother is abusive so she grew up having no control over her life. Yes Daniel’s death is her mother’s fault and Regina is angry with her, but she also loves Cora because she’s her mother - you could tell how much it meant to her when Cora said she was proud of her. Cora is too powerful for Regina to punish, but Snow as a child is weak and defenseless. Being queen gives Regina the opportunity to finally have control in her life and channel her rage on to someone she can punish who is partially to blame.


And now I see as I was writing all that the other people had already said essentially the same thing 😆

Alex A Alvarenga

We will find out how Cora and Regina got their power on different episodes

Malachi Fuimaono

Sorry to correct again, but the orb has nothing to do with it. It’s just Regina gave her the scroll (w the instructions) for the curse and the orb is where Maleficent kept it in. Haha sorry for confusion

Paul Fisher

While investigating the mystery man, be careful if you Google August's full name - it might show you spoilers. But I will repeat that some names are often important in this show, although in ways sometimes straightforward and sometimes obscure. We saw another example of that in this episode; Cora ripped out Daniel's heart and her name means "heart," (Cor in Latin and similar in many languages which were influenced by Latin, such as "coeur" in French, "corazon" in Spanish, "coronary" in English, etc... And of course, Jefferson's name in the previous episode was a reference to Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit." These last five episodes of the season are some of my favorites. I'm really looking forward to the next one.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

That’s a very good point, her face completely twisted and changed as soon as her mother said she was proud of her! It’s almost like she knows that “teaching snow a lesson” is also something that Cora would be proud of as well and is doing it for her. Very slick move for her to become Queen instead of break down!

Alex A Alvarenga

I can't wait until you find out about Cora


Half of my wardrobe is Once and the other half is Agents of SHIELD. The longer times goes on, the harder it gets to find Once stuff on Etsy, so I tend to find more Redbubble, but I feel the same about small creators! As a side note, hope your shot went well! I got my vaccinations a couple of months ago and the only side effect I had was that it made me feel incredibly drunk-like! I have a strange reaction to meds and vaccines anyway, but this wasn't one I was going to skip!

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

oOo I don’t know what Redbubble is, I’ll have to check it out! I also have never seen Agents of Shield! Thank you for asking, the shot went really well! My arm was just really sore and I was really tired, but I’m always tired so it wasn’t a big deal lol

Elisabetta S

Regina’mistake was to keep all the pain inside her

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

It truly was! They do a wonderful job at showing that too, you can see that she is so troubled she is, yet at the same time so passionate about wanting to get to where she wants to go. She has great character depth!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Stable Boy- Thank you so much for another reaction for Once Upon a Time, Jessie! I really love this episode. It isn't quite one of my favorites from this season, but it is very, very close to being one. Even more so than Skin Deep. First... Regina's grudge against Snow White is so much deeper than I really suspected, and more than Regina just blaming Snow for Daniel getting killed back when Snow was ten years old. And a lot's happened between them in the many years since then and Regina's hate towards Snow has only grown stronger. And yet her anger towards Snow isn't simply because Snow just told her secret, although we learn in this episode that it's most definitely the main factor in Regina's hate towards her, because it's what started everything. I definitely feel so badly for young Snow, because she is most certainly naïve, but again... she is ten, and she also had lost her mother at such a young age. Of course she couldn't possibly understand that Cora was so evil. Regina's anger towards her is definitely misplaced. I wish Regina would see her mother for the villainess she really is, but you also have to understand that her mother... no matter how evil she really is and how angry Regina is towards her, her mother is her mother. It's easy to be angry and to rebel against a parent, but it's not as easy to hate a parent enough to want to kill them, or even to blame them so completely like she hates Snow. Especially when they've been emotionally abused and manipulated by them their whole life as Regina has been by her mother. And with that being said... Regina is one of the villains who always blames everyone else for her problems. And she blames the consequences of her cruel actions on others too. Mostly Snow because Snow has become the target of her hatred. Now... one of my overall favorite moments in this episode is between Emma and August, while they're talking on the bench in the harbor as August inspires Emma to look at her investigation from a different perspective. I just really love their dynamic and I continue to love the mystery behind who August is. I really love how he helps Emma to see her investigation in a different perspective... comparing her block to writer's block. Brilliant! Another of my favorite moments in this episode is the end scene between Regina, young Snow, and later Cora (Regina's mother), as Regina figures out how Cora knew about her and Daniel, when Snow confesses to her that she told her secret despite her promise to Regina that she wouldn't. It's a great scene brilliantly acted by not only young Snow, played by Bailee Madison, who is definitely the perfect actress to play young Snow, but especially by Lana Parrilla (Regina), who suddenly becomes completely numb to all emotion. Her acting in this moment is phenomenal, and when she's talking with her mother once Snow leaves the room as well. As for Cora... boy, is she evil because she's so good at being manipulative. If you pay close attention to Regina's relationship with her mother, then you would clearly able to see the parallels between them. A lot of what Regina has become in the years since the events from this episode's backstory, comes from the kind of woman Cora is. As for how I feel about Cora... I hate her. While she's scary as any villain can be, she's also evil and twisted enough to believe she's doing right by her own daughter. And people who believe in that way of thinking, are scary in the worst kind of ways. She makes for a good villain, but she's not one of my favorite of all the villains throughout the entire series. In fact... she is one of my least favorite villains. But in spite of that, I do love this episode because of Regina. She's just amazing all throughout this episode. Now... I really enjoy Regina's backstory a lot, as we get to know a younger and kind version of Regina, when she herself was a good woman and in love with a stable boy, who is sadly murdered by Regina's own mother, which is the root cause for Regina becoming the villainess we know her to be now... the Evil Queen. It's a brilliant backstory for such a villainess we've grown to love so early on in this show. And I love seeing Regina as a kind woman. It's so good to actually get to know the reasons for the characters' like the Evil Queen, becoming villains, as well as how characters come to be heroes as well. But mostly the villains, because like Regina says to David in Storybrooke, and like Rumplestiltskin says to Charming in the Enchanted Forest... "Evil isn't born... it's made."... a quote from Once Upon a Time that I very much love. And I love seeing how villains come to be especially because we don't have any backstory for these villains becoming who they are in any of the Disney movies, other movies, fairytales, and stories created about them before. It's one thing I especially love about Once Upon a Time, because we really learn why characters become villains and heroes too. Phenomenal! I also like Daniel's character. He is played by actor Noah Bean, who I like from other shows too. He's very kind, and I love that he is a stable boy and that back then, Regina didn't care about power or her opportunity to become the Kingdom's Queen. She loved Daniel despite him being poor. I love seeing that Regina had found True Love with him, which is why it's so tragic that Cora kills him by ripping out his heart and crushing it right in front of Regina. And this is another parallel between Regina and Cora, as we see the kind of woman Regina later becomes and see that she too eventually came to rip out hearts like her mother did to Daniel, as we see Regina do with the Huntsman, Graham back in episode seven... The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. Brilliant! As for Emma being easily manipulated and her falling for Sidney's lies... which are clearly lies that she should have seen through, especially given her superpower that hasn't really come into play much lately... It is a little frustrating, or annoying that Emma would continue to fall for Sidney's lies, which he's very careful with the wording in all he says like I've mentioned before, even though as an audience to this show we know that he is lying. And I don't care much for the bit where Emma lets him offer her flowers, allowing for him to bug her office. But what bothers me more, is that we never see Emma talking to August about finding the shovel shard or the shovel which it belongs to being in Regina's garage, inside of her office or the station. We only have to assume she and August must have taken the shard to the station and spoke about it there off screen. Plus Emma had to draw up the search warrant she later served to Regina so she could legally search her garage for the shovel. With all that being said... I feel that Sidney planting a bug in Emma's office would have worked better, had we seen how Regina came to know that Emma knew about her broken shovel and why she had to move it. I appreciate the idea, even though I feel it could have been executed a little differently. Sadly... Emma blames August for telling Regina about her finding the broken shovel shard. And it's so sad, because I like August a lot and I trust in his yearning to want to help Emma. It does seem a little strange that August would think it's unfair for Emma not to believe in him fully, since Emma doesn't know him all that well, but I feel like he's sincere enough to get Emma to trust in him a little. At least enough to believe he wouldn't sabotage her investigation. However, it is understandable that she would think he might have ratted her out. And lastly... I was shocked when the revelation and twist comes in the end with Kathryn being alive after all, back when I first watched this episode as it aired on TV. And there could be many meanings as to what might have happened to her and how the frame job against Snow really came about. Who exactly is behind it all and how deep into it are the characters suspected of their involvement? Gold had something to do with Kathryn's disappearance too, due to what Gold says to Emma in the station just before she discovers the bug in the flowers after she smashes the vase... as he states that perhaps there still may be time for him to work a little magic. What has Gold done, or just how much does he know? Where has Kathryn been all this time? What has Regina done? I love the intrigue! Thank you so much for your reaction again!!! I am so excited for these last four episode reactions from you, from season one. These last four episodes are most definitely among my favorites throughout the season. I love them! Things are about to get so good! Until your next reactions... Thank you! Sincerely, Heidi

Jacob Michard

I think Regina became queen out of fear. She told Daniel she didn't care about becoming queen. Even in the present she is scared of her. And I believe she didn't go after her mother not only out of fear, but also because she loves her mom too much weather she wants to or not.