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Begins Youth Season 1 Episode 12 Begins Youth



Time loop: So, basic answer, yes, Hwan is in a time loop. I think the show purposefully left it up for interpretation (so it could represent Hwan’s regrets or memories) but in the BU, he basically relives a certain time period over and over again. In the BU, he goes back to when he arrives back from USA, while in the show, he shows him going all the way back before he meets the boys. Definitely an interesting change. Without being too confusing, basically, when Hwan first goes back in the BU, he doesn’t remember and basically lives the same events again, over and over again without any changes happening. Over the many times, he starts to realize what is happening and tries to change things to change the outcome. Then, as he relives things over and over and over again, he starts to forget the original memories and events. This is important because we actually see this with another character in the show already. It is unclear if the ending of the show is the first time Hwan goes back in time, or if it’s just the first time he realizes he has been living the same things over and over again. I would assume it’s the first time, but a couple little hints makes me think he has done it before. 1. If you go back to episode 1, Hwan recognizes Cein in the hallway. He stares at him for a long time, but doesn’t seem to know how he recognizes him. There is also a melancholy look on his face, as if the sight of Cein makes him sad, even though he doesn’t know why. 2. We see Hwan writing notes in his journal about the boys, and then scribbling them out in confusion. Like he thinks he should be understanding them, but doesn’t. However, for people familiar with the BU, another character stood out a lot! Hwan’s dad! In the BU, after going back so many times, Hwan begins to forget things because he can’t keep everything straight, and becomes very emotionless and irritated over time. There has been a long going (years long!) fan theory that Hwan’s father had the same thing happen to him and gave up on his friends! It would explain why he doesn’t remember his high school friends and is ‘emotionless’. This would also connect him to the fire possibly. If you didn’t notice, Hwan’s actor was the same actor in the photo of his father in high school. We see Hwan revealed as the one organizing everything for the fire, but also see that he was actually trying to stop it from happening. He asked Dogeon to bring water instead of oil, tried to get Haru to call 911 before the fire happened, and tried to get Jeha to stop the mother. However, Hwan never learned that Cein’s mom actually hung herself, she didn’t wait for the fire, which is possibly why it still happened. So was it Hwan? Or was it Hwan’s father? Or are they the same person?! Who knows! Haha, the BU is still ongoing with some questions still left to be answered. Also the journal is a big mystery, because it is about Hwan's friends but the man who died on the beach (one of Hwan's father's friends) was the one who had locked it in the locker back in high school. More evidence that Hwan and Hwan's father may be more connected?? There is also a whole thing about Jooan's dreams in the BU as well, which they only hinted at. He stares at Cein a bit long when telling the boys about it, in the BU he dreams of the motel fire. I think that was more of a Easter egg for BU fans. Also though, like I said, the show left it up to interpretation. So it could just be memories, Hwan’s regrets, etc, in a metaphorical sense, or it could be the start of the same story the BU tells.


Also, I agree, the acting was really amazing in this show! I was surprised when I saw how young some of the actors were. The show was filmed a couple years ago as well. Some are in the their twenties, like Hwan, Cein, Dogeon, and Jooan's actors. But Haru's actor was 19/20, Hosu's was 16/17, and Jeha's actor was only 13/14! Cein's actor actually mentioned in a video that Jeha was supposed to be shorter than him but kept growing and was way taller by the end of filming. So they had to be strategic about not making his height all different throughout the show.