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Released to all on November 5th!


Black Sails Season 4 Episode 10



Thank you for your reactions to Black Sails and this incredible journey. This is absolutely one of my favorite tv series that is oh so very underrated. I think if it aired on HBO it might have garnered more viewers, as such it remains somewhat of a niche favorite. It is such a smart and complete story and the production quality continues to rise. Where so many shows tank their final seasons, Season 4 sings here, with a lot of prior seeds coming to fruition. 38 episodes later and we still care about the Spanish gold treasure. But it never feel repetitive, it always feels earned. Flint's speech to Silver about civilization telling its children to fear the darkness is probably one of my favorite pieces of writing created and Toby sells it beautifully. The journeys so many of the characters go to (and also the characters we lost along the way but still impact the ending. We said goodbye to Vane end of S3 and Teach in early S4, but a lot of Jack's actions are still influenced by their legacy. Eleanor is gone, but Rogers clings to that idealized version of her. A lot of Billy's trauma can be traced to his experiences in S1 and learning of Gates death. Madi as you said is continuing Mr. Scott's legacy in some way) is just incredible. I think John changed the most (and actor's decision to grow the hair and the facial hair, really did a lot to transform him physically over the years from this bright eyed floppy haired smiley guy to this sullen cynic) and while he was never my favorite he was absolutely compelling to watch. The legend of Long John Silver being built for him, and slowly weaponized was brilliant. I think Toby Stephens as Flint was just possessed by some thespian spirits on how insanely good that acting was. There were so many moments I disagreed with his character and with a speech he would convince me just as easily as he manipulated his crew. His story and relationships, with Miranda, with Thomas, with John especially always kept me on my toes. While I love James reuniting with Thomas (at that 'nice prison farm') and I think the writers intended it to be this hopeful moment. I think a lot of fans also take this second interpretation. Is this really true? Was he allowed that happy ending? Or did Silver concocted this story to dull his guilt and he did kill Flint on that island to put the stop to the war. I like the hopeful ending and I believe the creators intended for it to be this hopeful ending, but Silver being this great storyteller can we trust him 100%? Never sure. I like the uplifting ending with Featherstone elevated in his rank. He was always one of the most reasonable characters and I adored his bond with Jack and this season he proved to Max why she can trust him which makes him a worthy ally for her as well. Him being the 'official' face of Nassau, with Jack and Anne still roaming around and Max working it all behind the scenes is a perfect solution for all parties. "Mark" Reed joining Jack's crew is actually Mary :D One of the most famous woman pirates :D And of course Anne clocked it right away. I laughed at how underwhelmed you were by Jack's flag of simple skull and crossed swords. His is one of the most famous historical flag designs (surpassed probably only by The Jolly Roger (skull and crossed crossbones)) but because we have seen it so much in pop-culture it just seem mundane :D Thank you again for this lovely adventure. I do not know if I can bring you a show as good as this again, but I will strive to do my level best in picking :D