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Begins Youth Season 1 Episode 1



A little character list to help: HIGH SCHOOLERS: Hwan Kim (the eldest, in 11th grade): the rich kid Cein Min (11th grade): the lighter kid at the fire at the beginning, he was also the kid that was sleeping/laying down in detention the whole episode, has the military dad (the 3rd one from the left at the end) Dogeon Kim (10th grade): works the part-time jobs, dad is sick Hosu Jeong (10th grade): lives in the orphanage, walks Haru home every day MIDDLE SCHOOLERS: Jooan Kim (8th grade): obvious anger issues, dad is an alcoholic Haru Park (8th grade): mom is weird about his "secret" Jeha Jeon (7th grade): has the rich stepfather, more comes up later about him For Hwan, his father was the one he was eating with at the very beginning of the episode. We didn't see him again though this episode after that.


Thank you for this reaction! Sorry for my long comments as always, hahaha! So the plot of this show is basically the fictional story that BTS has used metaphorically throughout their albums and MVs. The story started about ten years ago when their "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life" album came out and premiered with three MVs that showed basically some significants moments from this story. Then since then, new information to create a larger story has come out through more MVs, short films, passages in their albums, etc. So "Am I Wrong" was the title of the episode. It is one of BTS' songs, the one that plays at the end when it goes over all the boys. It is commonly known as one of their most political songs, and was actually banned from being played on several Korean radio stations. How political BTS is makes them stand out in Korea. The song in general is about classism and government control. In one verse, they say “We’re all dogs and pigs, become angry and lose our shit”. “Dogs and pigs” is a derogatory phrase in Korea to talk about brainless masses. However this was probably the biggest reason the song was banned, because just months before the album’s release, the Minister of Education was caught (on tape!) saying the government didn’t need to worry about the “dogs and pigs” when referring to less-privileged citizens of Korea. So BTS is sarcastically mocking the Minister in this verse. Another reference that caused commotion was them shouting “Mayday, mayday” right before the first chorus. As you may know, mayday is an emergency word used to signal distress over radio coms. This is most likely a reference to the Sewol Ferry Tragedy. I recommend looking it up, but basically, a ferry carrying over 300 students from a high school sunk after inspection officers allowed the ship to carry more than its limit. The government did a terrible job at handling the situation, calling off all military rescue boats (aka MAYDAY), telling parents that their children were safe at first (when over 250 drowned), keeping the public in the dark about what was happening, and trying to cover up what happened afterwards. This tragedy was actually what caused the president at the time to be impeached and sent to jail, which happened right around the time this song was released. So relating the song back to the show, I think it was relating heavily to Hwan (a privileged kid with government connections) coming to an understanding that the people who he probably heard being referred to by names like “pigs and dogs” aren’t bad people because of their circumstances. I feel like the song and title really encompasses the beginning of this friendship of the seven characters and a recurring theme through the show: privilege and the environment people are born into or live in.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Don’t apologize, I love the comments because it helps me understand all the little details I’m oblivious to! I love getting all the back story info, that’s so crazy!


Omg how am I just seeing your reactions? I have been looking for reactions to this drama since it came out and you're the first one. I love this drama so much, I know you don't know much about the BTS members, but the actors really played their parts exceptionally well. Each and every one of the 7 characters who represents the bts members all have their characters and mannerisms down to a tee. I Heard the actors studied the bts members through videos and fan interactions to get the characters down perfectly and so they did. I was shocked, to say the least. I love the BTS Universe, which the drama is based on, It is tragic and heartbreaking but also relatable. The acting is amazing, the production is very well done. I can't wait to watch the rest of your reactions. Thank you for watching!!