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Released to all Thursday June 6th!!


Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 4 Old Friends



Not sure what Cressida´s father´s problem is. The only thing I could think of is that while the Bridgerton´s are the "cool kids" they are also frequently the center of a scandal, as well as potentially seen as a threat, like people would be more interested in Eloise rather than Cressida. Also Eloise in particular was just involved in a huge scandal, and while the society mostly forgot about this by now, maybe Cressida´s father hasn´t. To be honest it felt like Debling doesn´t care about love at all, so I would have thought he wouldn´t care that Penelope loves someone else, but I get that he wouldn´t want to risk a scandal and his wife having an affair.


I will admit I was dreading S3 a bit knowing it will be Polin mostly because I always found Luke Newton not the strongest of actors on this show. Unfortunately this season's writing does not seem to be helping. Colin really got a short end of the stick between him being this 'fake charmer' for the society events, and hooking up with random hookers at nights. Like Anthony's rake-ish streak was compelling as he was deeply haunted character. Benedict manages to get a ton of charm out of his seasonal random hook-ups. And with Colin it just seems so mechanical and dishonest but not rooted in anything real. I am just not on board with Colin, he annoyed me in S1 and S2 and not really making me change my opinion. There is a semi-decent chemistry with Polin, with Nicola doing some heavy lifting acting-wise, but again, I just struggle to be on board with show-Polin. Book Colin was very charming, show Colin? Yeah just not digging it. I just feel like saying 'girl he is not worth it, run away' anytime Pen looks at him all love-struck. I however really like this I guess proposal as a break point for this season though. I think it really will allow Part 2 to dig into some really fun storylines and unexpected directions. I will say that Francesca steals this season for me. I am super charmed by Fran and John Stirling. I was expecting some seeds to be planted, but have not expected that storyline to be so lovely and compelling. Hannah Dodd just lights up anytime Fran interacts with John. Really some great acting. Fran in books was this very 'background' character we as readers knew little about before we got to her book so how they chose to portray her this season is fascinating take on this 'quiet character in the background' idea.

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I don't think it's that Debling doesn't care about love, I think it's just not his most important factor in the relationship which feels funny to say but true lol But I def agree that he also probably doesn't want a scandal!

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

My main issue with Colin is he says all the right and sweet things to Pen, but seems to not have the guts to say it to anyone else. Which is sweet because it shows he's his true self around her, but also annoying because tell your friends to go screw themselves and stop flirting with everyone in the room but Penelope RIGHT in front of her lol I'm really looking forward to part 2 though!! I love, love, love Francesca this season and am so excited for her story. I agree that she really stole the season for me too. I need to read the books!