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“Excuse me!”, cried out a voice in the distance, followed by the sound of quick footsteps and something dragging along the ground. As the group turned, they all noticed a woman in a white coat with a bandaid over the bridge of her nose rushing to the gate, wheeled suitcase in hand. “E-Excuse me…”, she said again, trying to catch her breath as she slowed down beside the group. “Is this… the… Murder Mystery place?”, the girl panted out with her hands over her head to get more air into her lungs. “Yes.”, Rita quickly answered. “Are you alright? You know, you didn’t have to run, we’re all quite early.” 

WHAT?”, yelled the short woman in disbelief. “I thought I was late! I went to the wrong place twice and—”, she heaved for breath again, straightening her back. “I thought we had— had to be here by five in the morning!” The woman in question was actually a new species that all the players gathered there had never seen before. They had seen plenty of Lapin— a species of anthropomorphic rabbits with a strong sense of intuition and natural luck— and just as many female Retsune— a species of human-like felines with the ability to change into their coded animal when threatened— but they had never, in their life, seen a mixed breed of the two. She had a mostly human-like face and body, but her feet, ears, and tail were rabbit-like. The only real indicator that she was a mixed breed was that her tall, yellow rabbit ears were pointed at the end like a cat’s, and the markings on her face identified herself as a cat-coded Retsune. 

“Well you were a little lucky that you left early.”, Virgo chimed into the conversation. “I guess that’s the Lapin in you?” The cat-rabbit looked up with a pink-flushed face as he referenced the luckiness of the rabbit species. “Huh? Oh– yeah, yeah. I’m, uh, a cat Retsune and Lapin crosspecies— Mom was a Retsune, Dad was a Lapin. It’s rare, but— here I am!” She ended her explanation with a chuckle as she stood upright with her human-like hands on her hips, seemingly finished with her winded state. “I’m Ocatavia, by the way! Octavia Soignier, EMT. So, you know, if anyone gets *actually* murdered by accident—”, she pointed her thumbs towards herself. “I’m your guy! Or girl, I guess.” The group all chimed with a mutual ‘nice to meet you too’ before introducing themselves once again. “So, you’re an EMT?”, asked the only male in the group. “How’d you decide you wanted to be in the field?” The curly, purple-haired woman adjusted her white coat before answering. “Oh, you know, family business and stuff like that. Pretty much everyone on my dad’s side was some kind of doctor.”, she shrugged. “I mean, where do you think the name ‘Soignier’ comes from?” Virgo came to a soft realization. “Ahh, that’s Lapin for ‘healer’ or something, right?”, he inquired, to which Octavia nodded in affirmation as the two smiled contently.


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thanks to @Fiddle0131 on Twitter for helping me colour this! <3



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