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When Jikyu, the planet our stories take place, was first formed, there resided four major deities: Hosō and the Three Sisters, Seimei, Ai, and Seishin. Seimei was fascinated by how the world would grow and change all on its own, and tested her will against its earth. Unknowingly, she birthed life, giving inhabitants to their once lonely planet, interesting her sisters and their fellow deity Hosō. Ai, wondering how the society would work together, created love and affection within the society. Seishin, inspired by the living beings showing that they could learn, created order and spiritual guidance for them to follow and make better decisions. As the three sisters worked together in creating a better life for their new favourite project, Hosō was more fascinated when some of the new life would become wounded or die. Hosō, instead of working to create a better life, instead created a better death. He manifested a realm for those who died, allowing the favourited ones to be at peace, and the more nasty ones to be subjected as an underdweller. Beneath the earth they resided in, he forced those who made their peers miserable to live within it for eternity. Those that caught the gods' favourable eye were re-manifested to join the deities as Hosō's children, now called the Hoseki.

As time went by, the sisters made more and more societies, each with different looking species and cultures all over the planet, and Hosō tended to his children, preparing them for godhood and using the power the four bestowed. The very first of the Hoseki that ascended, Wanda, wished to give the life of Jikyu similar power to the gods. After lots of compromising, she was allowed to give each individual community one unique magical ability. However, an unforeseen change occurred within the underdwellers. Magic seeped through the earth, to which all the nasty beings that had collected down below for eons clawed for its power. The origin of black magic cultivated within the depths of Jikyu's very core, which caught the attention of one of Hosō ascended children, Kolby.

With an ulterior motive of monitoring and studying the underdwellers, which was partly true, Kolby exclusively monitored and studied the developing black magic that the banished ones were learning how to harness. It didn't take long for Kolby to begin experimenting with this developing dark magic himself. It got to the point where he began recruiting some of the other Hoseki, including Wanda's daughter. It was only when one of Kolby's followers had attempted to draw power from Seimei, the deity of life, damaging her immortal form with this dark power, that she and her other two sisters made a world-shattering decision. Ai and Seishin permanently closed the chamber inside Jikyu that used to host the underdwellers, and removed themselves of immortality. Many are still curious of the exact reason for this sudden choice, as there are no clear answers. Some believe the fairies had been waiting to split away from the Death God for some time, and found their perfect opportunity to punish him for meddling in their perfect system. As this change occurred, a shock wave washed over the world, stripping the underdwellers of dark magic, while keeping its essence alive in the earth itself. The three sisters instead transformed their essence into three new races of spiritual beings, the spirit fairies, the amoura fairies, and the blossom fairies.

The newly made fairy society created a safe space in a secluded sky garden where their kind could still watch over the land they loved while not risking their safety from any other corrupt being.  Hosō became so distraught by their severed relationship, that he left his status and power to Wanda and sunk his remaining essence into the world of Jikyu itself, affecting the earth and waters with his sorrow and gloom for many years. Now in charge of the Hoseki and the world itself, Wanda ultimately banished Kolby and those who stood with him, including her own daughter, stripping them of their ascension and subjecting this to the cruel earth they had created.

By the time the banished Hoseki had set foot within the mortal realm, adapting to its changed ways and still living with the dark energy still within their bodies, the underdwellers had already become a part of most societies, referred to as demons by the locals. The cult figured if these hell-bound dark magic wielders could still live in this world, so could they, even after everything. Even still, not being mortal for eons had taken a toll on their wellbeing, causing many to die within weeks or months. In an attempt to survive, Kolby cultivated a new practice, that being absorbing the life of any and all living beings to add to their own lifespan. Eventually, managing to survive with this despicable practice, the cult had formed into a new species entirely, known as the Grim, that now live as all other beings in the present time.


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