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Here are the latest chapters available to tier 3 patrons.

Alt link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LwyeI0h41Qn9F1vTISBtfMYDBhq-LCReWsULNJcVKZY/edit?usp=sharing



Aww my binge... Ah well, thanks for the chapters, certainly looking forward to more of this story!


Is there a way to fix the chapter's since it’s so zoomed out and It’s irritating to constantly zoom in


You should have the ability to adjust the zoom depending on what platform or device you are using. How are you reading the chapters?


Great story so far!


These releases seem a little short for the update speed.


I'm curious, what is the update schedule for this?


New chapter every 2-3 days, (occasionally shorter if I work very fast.)


Any chance you could make a new post with a new chapter, so I see it on my feed?

Erik Hansen (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 23:57:20 I upped from 1 -> 3 after ch 28 made it clear that Claudius was going to run into Maria while danger was afoot. Glad ch 33 was already out! Thanks for the story. E: I am super interested in how well Maria can continue to be under the radar after this ball. Felipe and Claudius both clearly know, but Maria had such an eye catching dress and obviously isn't in the main hall, so even without them she might be the target of the rumor mill. Boy is Maria going to hate it if they try to honor her for saving the day!
2023-04-27 23:15:39 I upped from 1 -> 3 after ch 28 made it clear that Claudius was going to run into Maria while danger was afoot. Glad ch 33 was already out! Thanks for the story. E: I am super interested in how well Maria can continue to be under the radar after this ball. Felipe and Claudius both clearly know, but Maria had such an eye catching dress and obviously isn't in the main hall, so even without them she might be the target of the rumor mill. Boy is Maria going to hate it if they try to honor her for saving the day!

I upped from 1 -> 3 after ch 28 made it clear that Claudius was going to run into Maria while danger was afoot. Glad ch 33 was already out! Thanks for the story. E: I am super interested in how well Maria can continue to be under the radar after this ball. Felipe and Claudius both clearly know, but Maria had such an eye catching dress and obviously isn't in the main hall, so even without them she might be the target of the rumor mill. Boy is Maria going to hate it if they try to honor her for saving the day!


I do think that if you typed the words at a larger size it would make it easier to read, since even zooming in it's still quite hard to read without straining my eyes


Is there any way you could set up so there was an update or any sorta alert when a new chapter released?


I've been checking a box that says 'notify patrons about this change' when I edit the post, but I suppose that it isn't doing what I think it is! I'll make a short post every time I posted a new chapter and then delete it later.


Heading out due to financial situation, but ill keep following on RR


I mean Maria isn't wrong Caius will likely get killed/be the fall guy. He's working independently without any backing, some who is sleep with who gossip isn't going to stop people willing to plunge a nation into another war. I get that he may be desperate but he's willingly blinding himself to the consequences of what he's doing both on a personal level and to the wider world. It isn't even that he's to stupid to understand he doesn't want, which is kinda like seeing a train wreck happening.

Lazy Minx

Ah yes, Samantha, just casually day dream about dating your darling dear Maria.

Joseph (T3mmie)

I wish I wasn't caught up. Thanks for the chapters!

Erik Hansen

In the most recent chapter, this should be Max? > Claude scowled, “What the heck do you know about doing something subtly? You spent the past few months shoving your finger into Maria’s face about any wild theory you could come up with.”

Thomas Corbin

I loved ch71, with all it's foreshadowing. I like the relationship with Sam and want to learn more about how it's going to work out, and about why the reincarnation happened.

Simon Hoerder

In chapter 78: "...we may have failed to avoid causalities by doing this". Do you mean casualties?

Bunny Waffles

I have never laughed quite as hard at a line quite like “I don’t need to know what a brain cell is! I’m an heiress!”