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(Please expand the post for more details about her)

Name: Christa Lockhart
Age: 24
Occupation: Web designing and art director
Likes: Club music, drinking, color pink and art

Once was a cheerlader and a prom queen
Nowadays living with a half-damaged soul
Christa is living in San Myshuno and has everything a city girl needs to have
Excitement, looking for casual quick bathroom breaks for two in the back of the club, hangover...
But things get tiring after a while and she wants someone to hold her, be there for her and understand her what she's been through
How she lost everything she held dear, how she got misunterstood
And her life's not for her anymore because she's sick of it
Perhaps she can make a brand new start with new year and this fancy app? Can she find t he one finally? Who would it be? This guy or that guy... So many faces to get familiar with...
What does Christa really want?

What is the Simstasy Themetic? Check for more details here.

She's coming tomorrow ♥



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