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(Comparison photos are in the last two slides)

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great thanksgiving with your loved ones (of course only if you are celebrating the thanksgiving).

Recently, i gave an update to Leon Kennedy (From Re4 Remake). As you probably remember, i created a project back in June 2023, which was Resident Evil themed where i created bunch of characters from the game franchise. At that time, i was happy with what i created. But one of them in particular, Leon Kennedy, became a huge part of my own gameplay. And over time, he became an addiction :P So, i decided to update his look.

Whether you are a supporter at this moment or not, if you were a patron supporter back in June 2023, you have every right to have his updated version.

I have sent Leon Kennedy's updated version to everyone who was a supporter back in June 2023. If you were a supporter back in June 2023 but haven't received him, please send me a message. So i can send you a link again. Patreon message box can be problematic sometimes.

If you weren't a patron back in June 2023, no worries! You'll be able to get his updated version once i bring back God and Goddesses sims and Resident Evil themed sims to shop, early in December.

Thank you so much for your support and have a great weekend ahead ♥



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