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"Whatever happens in this city, it stays between it's walls"

We're fast approaching to next month and we're already in the middle of November! Crazy how fast time goes. And while the New Year will happen before we even blink, i wanted to tease you guys just a little!

As mentioned here recently, there will be total of 10 gifts in December! Adena x366 is only one of them. One punch all she needs to knock someone down. Is she alone? Of course not! There will be some other cyberpunk themed sims as well.

I'm planning to share 30 or so sims in December (including gifts) so it's going to be a HUGE month! But of course, i won't spoil everything just yet.

Okay, alright, i'm leaving πŸ˜… Just wanted to tease you guys a little πŸ˜‹



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