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(She's a toddler in the game. Many people are not playing with toddler -including me. So i made her from scratch as a teen)

She has no background story as she's just a toddler. But she's now a teen, so she has some story that hasn't been told. Allow me to tell what's her story (in my game).

She's the only child of today's Kealoha family. Their ancestors are already gone and their family's elders are only her mother Lilliana and her father Makoa. They both are expecting Nani to continue the bloodline. But.. is this what Nani wants?

Of course she was not wanting any of this. Ever since she received her mark after the Trial of Proving, all she heard was an appropriate partner, a strong local family to continue their bloodline. Let alone marriage, she even didn't want to receive a mark on her face. Who on earth would want to cut their child's face just because it's a tradition? Nani doesn't feel she belongs to this family.. or to Sulani, for that matter.

With time, she became the most beautiful girl of Sulani. Not just local families, but also people who are visiting Sulani had eyes for her. One look at her and they could never turn away. Even with the scar she had on her face, which she hated the most.

She grew distant of her parents because they never cared what Nani wanted or thought. She was just a vessel to carry out the bloodline. Why would she want to be a part of the family after all?

After her 16th birthday, a youngster called Duane Talla moved in with them. Why? What was he doing here anyways? He was an outsider. Weren't her family sooo traditionalists?

She has to find a way out.


Her townie makeover is coming soon :)


INFO: If you remember Makoa and Lilliana, they had a scar on their faces. In my own personal gameplay, lore-wise, Kealoha family is a traditional family, which values the old ways of their ancestors. To their belief, it's a mark of gratitude and strength. So they receive their scar when they come to age of 10 after they complete their trial. That's the reason why Makoa & Lilliana Kealoha had a scar on their faces. So Nani will have one as well.



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