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"Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be."

Please be kind and respectful to one another. We can leave the world better than we found. And love comes first ♥ If this is not your 'thing', please skip this post, thank you. :)

Happy Pride Month, everyone! This month is the Pride Month and i wanted to say a few words.

I wish i could talk about all the rainbows, flowers and butterflies passing outside of our windows but.. i just can't. I know someone out there, right now- at this very moment, is fighting for their life. Being ab*sed or thre*tened.. Or hiding who they are.. living in the shadows and pretending to be someone they are not, to be able to live another day.. to not get hurt.

I feel you and i understand you. I am one of you and you are one of us. I believe, one day, the day will come for you and you will feel safer to be who you truly are. You deserve everything in the finest way. Please stay safe and never let others to fade your colors. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! ♥

I used the exact same quote last year and the year before from lovely Ashley Johnson- i want to use it again:

"Tomboys, misfits, 'weirdos', outcasts and all those who really can't fit in; you can always sit at my table"


/!\ Adam is a trans man. I created him from male gender & feminine body frame. If i were going to create him from female gender & masculine body frame, i'd be extremely restricted CC-wise so i had to create him this way.

After you put Noah in your game, you need to change his gen*tal from peen to vag. Then, from body selector, you need to chose a Vag for him (female bottom > default ww bottom or ones from EVE. Other bottoms not working on him). Then, you need to chose a top (From Male Top > Kleos Adam top or default WW top. Other tops not working on him).



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