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Hi everyone! I'm here to update you about what's in the store for May. But first, here is a quick visual summary of April.

In April, i've shared 26 sims. You can see the visual summary of April below:

About requests:

In early April, i opened a post about requests. According to your requests, i started to create them. Some of them already done and i've shared them during April. But some of them couldn't make it due to my schedule being way too busy with the already planned sims. However, i'm still working on the remaining requests and i will share them within the first week of May.

Alright, now let's see some of the upcoming sims and themetics.

- Jill Diaz -

With the start of May, you'll get Jill in your hands first. She's an undercover cop and she's on a track of a bunch of criminals. To get into their lair, she had to disguise. Irony of life, she fell in love with one of the criminals after a while. She even tricked his own team to help the guy she loves. What will she do now? Will she risk it all for Pierre and become one of them?

- Pierre Bardot -

Right after Jill, you'll be getting Pierre Bardot. THE infamous Pierre Bardot. The trader of the Plum Diamonds. The guy who got Jill into his web. Pierre soon will figure out who Jill really is but will Pierre risk it all for Jill and give up on the whole trading operation?


Psanne will be our 9th female Cam Star! She will be coming on 10th of May, for 4 weeks early access (for 3rd tier supporters) before public release and 31st of May (for 2nd tier supporters). 10 June is public release date.


Delvin will be our first ever Gentleman! He will be coming on 10th of May, for 4 weeks early access (for 3rd tier supporters) before public release and 31th of May (for 2nd tier supporters). 10 June is public release date. You can learn more about this new themetic from the post here.

- Making Another Gemborn: Chopper Bunny -

It's been quite a while since i last created a Gemborn. I've recently got some messages about how some of you missed this themetic. Even though i'm not sure if the Gemborn themetic will make a permanent return, i thought there's still room for one atleast. Meet our psycho, lover Gemborn, Chopper Bunny! She will love you, serve you, be there for you no matter what. However, if she senses your heart beats for someone else, she might have some chopping to do. 3:)

- Gifts in May 🎁 -

Of course i have something extra in the store for you guys! In May, there'll be 3 gifts for you to collect! At the end of the May you'll receive 3 gift sims depending on your pledge tier!

3rd tier gift: Valora 🎁

2nd & 3rd tier gift: Tyson 🎁

1st, 2nd & 3rd tier gift: Patrick 🎁

Patrick is originally created from Grayson, which was a sim created back in Dec 2021. At that moment when i created Patrick (a few months ago), i was experimenting on creating Werewolves. I was testing it on Grayson. Then, the werewolf turned out way too good and i didn't think i could re-create it. His werewolf form is created from completely scratch. So, i gave Grayson a heavy sim-surgery. Now, he's a brand new sim and he's Patrick now. And he's a Werewolf! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!?

Looking Ahead

These are the only very few of the upcoming sims of May. There'll be so much more to share soon. :)

Stay safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones- love you all! ♥
