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Woah! I can't believe we're about to leave one more year behind! We had an incredible journey so far and i'm already thrilled for what comes next!

In November, i've shared 18 sims! Here's a quick visual summary of the sims i've shared in November ♥


XMAS and New Year Means Presents!

Of course! If you've been around for a while now, you probably already know that i love sending presents to your mailbox. And now, the new year is around the corner and i can't wait to send out some new presents to you!

You want me to spill the beans, right? RIGHT!

In December, i will be sending out LOTS of presents! You read it right! There will be 6 total of presents for December supporters! Here's how i'll be sending presents:

-It'll be in two parts-

- On 24th of December (Exactly a day before Christmas):

I'll be sending out 4 presents in total for Christmas! Each tier will have an extra present.

📌 3rd tier supporters will get all 4 presents!

📌 2nd tier supporters will get 3 of 4 presents!

📌 1st tier supporters will get 2 of 4 presents!

📌 And those who enjoy my sims but don't / can't support me will get 1 present (will be uploaded to LL publicly, as a public present)

Are these all the presents? OF COURSE NO!

As mentioned above, there'll be total of 6 presents. So, there will be 2 more presents as New Year presents!

- On 31st of December (Exactly on the day of the New Year):

📌 3rd tier supporters will get 2 presents!

📌 1st and 2nd tier supporters will get 1 present!

(The gif sim in the cover is slightly edited version of one of my very special, personal sim. Zee the Reindeer will be one of the presents!)


Alright, now let's take a look a few of the upcoming sims and themetics now :)


- Chikafuji Hikaru -

As December starts, you'll meet Hikaru! She's working as an assistant in a company. Despite of her serious work ethic, she's pretty fun and clumsy outside of the building. Her boss likes her hard-working personality. And of course, he pretty often asks her to have some drinks with her. And Hikaru started to develop some feelings for her boss. Now, she needs to chose whether following her heart or her brain.


- Eric Rutledge -

A young, handsome, head above the clouds, a genius music writer.. We can keep going on and on and on for days to count good sides of Eric. You know.. It's Eric! It's enough to describe him calling him with his well-known name. Whenever he collabs with a singer, their views on SimTube and clicks on Simtify sky rockets. He's a unique talent. Some says he made deal with the devil. But i think it's pure talent. Bargain with the devil? HAH! It's so 2001. Move on, dude.



(click here to see the uncensored version of the photo above)

Ariadna is going to be our third female Cam Star! Ariadna will be coming on 10th of December, for 4 weeks early access (for 3rd tier supporters) before public release and 10 days early access on 30th of November (for 2nd tier supporters) before public release. This way, you will be getting her in the same month as a member of both tiers. 10 January 2023 is public release date.


Returning of the Undying Ones (recent poll's winner theme)

Are they really unkillable? Or is it just them saying so to look All-Mighty?
Do they bleed or are they capable of perishing you with a single finger snap?
Were they always there without us knowing, or do they have a creator too?
Who made them? How did they become God?
What it takes to be one of them? What it costs?
Your humanity? Your soul? The very meaning of your will?


- Looking Ahead -

I'm still working on to wrap the themetics of December. I need to keep working on presents for xmas and new year. I have some remastered sims/townies to share with you and i can't wait to show them to you! Hoping to see you around :) ♥

Stay safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones- love you all! ♥



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