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Hi everyone!

Yesterday, i came to my friend's house to work and re-upload broken cc'ed sims (due to recent werewolves patch broke many alpha hairs and skins). My upload speed is terrible and my friend let me stay over his place to fix n' re-upload sims. So far, i've finished fixing and re-uploading 2020's sims to patreon. Now, i'm nearly in the half of 2021's. Preparing files and i will re-upload all of them (2021's) at one go. I never though fast internet could be this fast lmao. After that, will work on 2022's.

So hopefully, i will be finished fixing and re-uploading sims sometime in tomorrow. New sims will be coming tomorrow. Normally, i should be sharing some new sims today. However, this latest update messed up my schedule and i can't work on a new sim right now due to there is so much to work on. No worries though! I'll keep sharing new sims starting from tomorrow again.

When i finish fixing older sims, i'll let you guys know with a post.

Also, please delete chromatic color collection by anto and re-download these as he stated: https://www.patreon.com/posts/textures-for-67916603

Thank you for your time and your understanding. I appreciate your support ♥



Also, please delete chromatic color collection by anto and re-download these as he stated: https://www.patreon.com/posts/textures-for-67916603