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Hi everyone!

I wasn't going to update my game until next week. However, some of the upcoming sims have alpha skins/hairs/details etc. and i need to test the damage. So, i just updated my game. Most of the sliders are expectedly broken so i had to update them. I collected some of the updated ones from creators but rest of them wasn't updated and their creators either left the community long ago or they are not updated their sliders yet until a further notice. So, i updated them myself and they are seem to be working fine.

So, please read carefully the list below so you don't face any problem:

  • Download the updated slider file even if you haven't updated your game yet.
  • A>DO NOT put them into your mods if you haven't updated your game yet.
  • B>IF YOU UPDATED your game, before you put them into your Mods folder, make sure you delete the older versions name by name (very important). Otherwise, they will override eachother and they will most likely conflict.
  • Some of the sliders (like xxx xxx xxx slider instead of xxxxxxxxx slider -adjoining names) might have similar names so use the search function from right top side.
  • There might be more sliders that i'm using but not included in the .rar file below because i might be missing some of them. I tried to update 40+ sliders. (only CMAR's sliders have different names. So, go into mods and search " Cmar ". Delete all Cmar's sliders and put the updated ones into your Mods folder (updated versions are in the .rar file below).

If you have any question or problem, please don't hesitate to ask it away. I'll try my best to help you out ♥


Nicky Tan Jaik Liang

Love you so much been crying for days that my slider isn't working...


Ahh, i'm happy to hear that! Please make sure the delete old ones or they will conflict ♥


As a noob this is all too confusing but thanks for your help. I havent updated the game and dont know whether i ever will seems there is so much to do ☹️


Hi! It's actually pretty simple. All you need to do is, download these new sliders and when you open it, let's say you see XYZXZslider right? Then, you will copy the name and paste it to your mods folder's search bar. You will see a similar (or exact) name. First, delete the old one in your mods folder. Then, put the new one into your mods (but before putting it in, creating a folder names sliders would be helpful to gather all of them at one place). :) But if you are not plan to update your game, i think you should be fine to not change your sliders, i guess.