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Whenever i told my parents i was hearing voices, they looked me with sorrowful eyes. Riding from one doctor to another, i was just another problematic kid for them. Difficult to work with.. perhaps i was crazy. When the night came, milkyway started to hit her tiny notes, with a melodramatic duet, moon is joining to them.. D- do i make sense? Of course i am. I hear things others cannot. I see things others do not. Maybe i am crazy after all? I see your future but you cannot.

Different than many kid, Seth grew up thinking he's "weird". He has some abilities that the others do not have. He hears melodies and universe sings to him! Later on, he realized he wasn't weird but he was unique! Even though he is a loner, every single plant on earth is his friend. He has deep roots to earth! Belong to a home was his dream. Until he realized the very earth, was his home.

He's coming tomorrow! ♥



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