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Hi everyone!

I just updated my game to the latest patch and unfortunately something got broken again.. My game didn't open at all. So, i had to go for 50/50 method to check it out what's going on. And i found the little devil inside that is causing issue.

I just wanted to give you a heads up, if you have it or if you want to have it in the future. So that you'll be aware of it.

So, this package file is literally won't allow you to start your game. It's a decor item, not a CAS item. If you have this in your mods, you get it from somewhere else. As it is not create a sim item, you didn't get it from me.

If you have " pbox_liberated-vehicles.package " in your mods, make sure to get rid of it, delete it.

This package is all about the vehicles. The cars, boats, ships you see around in the game, it lets you to place them into your world. But unfortunately, it's broken now. So, please be aware of it and delete it from your mods, for your game's safety.



Dealt with this little problem a few days ago myself. Amazing how something so minor can cause such a big problem