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Hi everyone!

I was working on a new Brand New Townie and while creating it, i thought the themetic could be a lot deeper and it can use a few friends in it. While the goal was 1 BNT each month, i wanted to invest more time and ideas into this themetic. So, i moved this month's BNT into the Monthly Patreon Rewards. As i usually create 2 or 3 Patreon Rewards each month, i'll create 4 Patreon Rewards for January. These 4 new sims will be both Patreon Rewards and Brand New Townies.

Some of you really enjoy fantasy themed Sims and some of you prefer keeping it sexy and reality themetic. So, i believe i found a great middle ground themetic to keep these months 4 rewards+bnt both fantasy themed and reality themed.

That being said, i will be able to create more patreon rewards and brand new townies in January! Instead of splitting them to 1 / 2, i made them a whole 4 to be able to make the themetic more expandable.

And finally, the picture you see above is about this month's inseparable 4.. To give a little hint, a little tease.. :) ♥



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