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Tens of years in a crawled lab.. All just for science and good of humanity.. For what? All to be disrespected by some stupid authority? No.. he can't take this.. His life's work won't go in vain.. This old dog can still chew their thick skin like chewing a gum!

Dr. Loststrand created a caretaker, Rosa and named her R054 and then, hid every single knowledge their organization had found. Noone can take what they have, not unless they take R054 down. On the outside, she looks like a robot who serves to her master. But on the inside, she's a battle machine, surrounded with deadly weapons and knowing how to use them.

Dr. Loststand definitely has enemies but.. perhaps this is too much? He is seeing enemies everywhere which turned him a paranoid.

"They are here to take what we've discovered. Behind the couch, between the wall cracks. They watch me, they want to take my work. I won't let them, over my dead body!"



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