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Hi everyone!

As mentioned recently in this post, in some of the dl files, there were some outdated CC files. They are definitely unharmful. They do not conflict in your game, they don't break your game. They are just merged CC .package files which were created ages ago and in time, when sims 4 studio getting updated, those merged files could no longer be unmerged because they were merged in a really really old version.

So i took the responsibility and started to delete and re-upload almost every single sim dl files to patreon and to my mega cloud. It took me almost 5 days to finish all of them but well, i'm finished. So the newcomer experience is better, so the future sim downloads should never include those outdated merged files that can't be unmerged. This is mainly because to save you (and of course future patreon supporters) some space.

Things to note down (you don't have to take any action- these are just notes):

  • If you already downloaded X sims, you don't have to worry. You are all good. You don't have to re-download any sim ever again. This re-uploading thing just for the clean-up. Nothing significant changed other than some ooooold files being removed from the dl files.
  • If you are new and you're just about to start download sims from my patreon, first of all you are welcome! I'm very happy to see you with us! Now, it's your time to shine your game with cleaned up fresh dl files!
  • I also deleted and re-uploaded all my townie makeovers to loverslab aswell.
  • I also deleted and re-uploaded all my Sim Download Part 2 post sims to loverslab.
  • Wish i could also delete and re-upload all my Sim Download Part 1 post sims to loverslab. But unfortunately, that thread of mine reached maximum editing limit. So i can't touch that thread. But it's also insignificant. There are just some unimportant unmergeable .package ccs.

That being said, please delete following .package files from your mods folder if you have them. They barely use CC in my sims. Of course, you are totally free to delete or not to delete them. If you've been downloading my sims for a while now, you already have their unmerged versions in your mods by now.

Some of these files that i suggest you to delete:

  • 00s.package
  • 001s.package
  • Passionate Romance mod (if you don't use it, you can delete it)
  • Brovichetasimakotikapackage or Brovichetasimakotika.package
  • GPMEMakeup.package

Thanks and closing..

I'm only flesh, bone and blood just like everyone else. I can make mistakes, i might be missed one or two files while re-uploading 160+ sim files. I think around 30~ of them were fine. Honestly, all of the downloads were and still are fine but yeah.. Someone told me on the forums that some of my dl files including old .package files that can't be unmerged, so i should take responsibility and re-upload/fix them. So yeah, i took the responsibility.

I can't thank enough to you guys for your support. If i could brought some more fun into your game, that's all i could ask. I'm so happy that you are part of this journey with me. Thank you, once again. Love you all ♥

See you soon with halloween sims!




TL;DR - If you have downloaded X sim already, you don't have to re-download it. If you haven't downloaded X sim and this will your first time downloading it, you don't have to do anything as well. This was just a clean-up to present better experience, mostly to new supporters. And of course, those who wish to re-download any sim.