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So, the project team updated their work a while ago and i've just noticed that they did. So, thought you might want to update yours for Cottage Living update! :)


[Pictures seen above are Base Game VS Tech-Hippie + NoGLO & NoBLU mods comparison. They include 0 edit, 0 reshade and all pictures taken by me in Sunny weather, Summer Season at 1PM in game hour, in Del Sol Valley]

We all know how ugly Sims 4 base game textures are.. So we sometimes seek mods, sometimes reshades etc. We can't argue that reshades are life savers. However, they cost lots of performance so the game becomes laggy and slow. But fear not! I'm here to introduce you with 2 amazing projects, Tech-Hippie's K-Project and Luumia's Lightning Project! Since they are .package files (mods), they do not cost high performance so you do not lose those sweet fps' at all! Trust me, even a potato PC owner me can run these mods smoothly. They do not conflict with any other mod or reshade. They do not crash your game at all. So shall we begin?

[Luumia's NoBLU and NoGLO Mods] (Using both of them HIGHLY recommended)

Luumia's NoBLU mod basically removes EA's blue lightning/shadows. With that, during night and when an object casts shadow, it's no longer ugly blue. It's darker and it will look how it's supposed to be. You can download NoBLU from here. I use NoBLUV2DARKER one. Darkest looks way too dark and the other one barely changes anything.

Luumia's NoGLO mod basically removes EA's silly lightning effect on Sims. When you use this one, the light effect on your sims (both indoors and outdoors) will be fixed (by that i mean, the light on them would makes sense). In the indoors, Sims looks way too dark (compared to environment) and when in the outdoors, they shine like diamonds (way too lightning). When you use NoGLO with NoBLU, they work in a huge harmony. You can download NoGLO from here. You should use the NoGLOV2.1(Updated) one.

[HOW TO INSTALL NoBLU and NoGLO Lightning mods]

You must download only 1 of the NoBLU file and only 1 NoGLO file from the links above. Otherwise, it's basically will not work. Create a folder and name it something you will remember. I named mine NoGLONoBLU. You can name yours however you want to. And then, put these 2 .package files you've just downloaded into this folder. And for the last step, put this folder into your Mods folder. And that's it! Now, you have NoGLO and NoBLU installed in your game!

[Tech-Hippie's K-Project]

Tech-Hippie took a huge step with their team (afaik, they're doing this project as a team) and changed the WHOLE base game textures to make them FANCY AF! Whether you have new world PACKs or not, they're also updated. The latest pack (Cottage Living) world map is not updated yet but they're currently working on the update and probably it will take them a while. So this projects works on every single map except Cottage Living pack world.

[HOW TO INSTALL Tech-Hippie's K-Project mods]

It's as simple as Luumia's project! Just download the .package files from the links below (You must download all of them). Then, unzip all the files. Then, create folder and name it however you wish to. I named mine as K-Project. Then, put all the folders you've unzipped into this new folder you've just created. Then, put this folder into your Mods folder. That's all! :)

Download links: (You need to download all 5 of them. After you click to the link, download links at the very bottom of their posts)


K101 (replaces EA floor tiles) 

K202 (replaces EA terrain paints) 

K505 (retextures grass, roads, and terrain) 

K606 (replaces EA roofs and foundations) 

K707 (replaces EA nature ) 

[How to uninstall noblu & noglo / Tech-Hippie's Project?]

Do you not like how they made your game look? Or you think they made your game laggy? Just delete the folders from your Mods folder. You created 2 folders before. One for NoBlu & NoGlo and one for Tech-Hippie's project. All you have to do is delete these 2 folders from your Mods folder and all gone! :)


Luumia's Website / Luumia's Patreon 

Tech-Hippie's Website / Tech-Hippie's Ko-Fi 

- - -

If you have any questions regarding to use these mods, you can ask away in the comments! Personally, i really really LOVE LOVE how they made my game look. The pictures above are taken from Del Sol Valley (my fave world). Other worlds (Especially Eco Living Map) looks as fancy as Del Sol Valley. I will also let you guys know when Tech-Hippie update their project for Cottage Living map. NoBlu & NoGlo works on every map but Tech-Hippie's project is not working on Cottage Living map (it works on every other map).

Hope you enjoy! ♥




hi, new to lighting mods and thanks for all the resources, would these conflict with the better in game lighting mod by northern siberia winds?


Oooooh! Very helpful, thank you!


And I thought I was the only one who used Noblu and K project XD.


Haha :P Just wanted to share my two cents what i found for my game with everyone else ♥


Thanks for sharing! Going to try this all out now.


Thanks, gonna try this