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"I won't lay a finger on you before my reign starts, because that was the bargain of my return. But my vessel can erase your very existence atleast as good as I can do! Once I was the protector. But soon, I will be your emperor!

Bow down to me you worthless creatures! Heed my word! This night is all you have. Tomorrow, you will only exist to obey my rules and to please me!

Tomorrow, with the beginning of my reign, you have so much to suffer!"




Keyword, tomorrow? 🤭


Haha I’ll take it! I really liked how well you intertwined the release with the story. It had me do a double take thinking. Wait… tomorrow??


Yeah, i'll share her tomorrow. I already uploaded her to patreon (because my internet has the slowest upload speed in the planet so it takes me hours to upload). But i don't share her right away. It will be shared auto tomorrow in the scheduled hour. Because usually, i stick to a schedule. This way, there's a little space between releases and it gives people some time to adapt releases. :) My schedule is like: a new sim every 2-3 days. Well, sometimes it can go up to 4 days (rarely) if i have important things to do irl. :) ♥


Understandable! Count me in as very excited