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Hey everyone! Since we've met the monthly 12 sims, i'm working on patreon rewards and next week's townie makeovers. While doing that, wanted to say a few words. ♥

As i've lost my job, i have to keep looking for a new one. It's consuming time, energy and to be honest, mostly hope.. Thanks to your support, i'm able to pay my bills atleast. And your comments, your messages and all are giving me courage to keep it up. Thank you for all your support, kindness and all the good memories :')

Usually, after i create a sim, i hop into the game and check them out if there is any broken cc, odd looking part etc but since they are still wip, i don't share them. Wanted to make an exception and share him and make it the first of many of it. From now on, i'll share some of the upcoming sims' in game photos. Thought it'd be interesting. :)

Hope you like him! There'll be one or two more (undecided yet) patreon rewards and i'll share them soon. ♥



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